Support for Survivors of Sexual and Relationship Violence

We Believe You. We Support You.

Navigating school after, or in the midst of, a traumatic experience can be challenging. You deserve to feel supported and you deserve to heal, whatever that looks like for you. If you need support, on- or off-campus, consider talking with our free, confidential specially-trained Victim Advocate or counselors in the Counseling Center. As your professor, I want to ensure my classroom supports you fully participating in your education. If you experience class-related challenges, please let me know to whatever degree you feel comfortable. I will do my best to work with you. I’m also happy to meet with the Advocate present. Though I am not an expert and may not know the perfect thing to say/do, I want you to know that you deserve to be here and to pursue an education just as much as any other student.

Sexual Assault & Relationship Violence Resource Guide

This in-progress resource was developed by UWB alum, Kyra Laughlin, who is a survivor of sexual assault and relationship violence. The guide currently includes a comprehensive list of community resources, campus resources, medical services, self-care tips, reporting options, key terms and letters of support from faculty and staff. The final version will include artwork and messages submitted by student survivors and be distributed across campus.

Sexual Assault & Relationship Violence Resource Guide Links to an external site.

National Resources

The national advocacy group End Rape on Campus (EROC) developed a series of resources under the theme, “Centering the Margins” to support victim-survivors from all different backgrounds who may have unique experiences and needs related to differences in power and bias in responding systems. Below are links to resources. Review all resources relevant to identities you hold as needed.

Community Resources

The agencies listed below provide services to survivors of sexual assault and/or relationship violence free of charge. Some examples of services include safety planning, legal advocacy and counseling, among others. To see more community resources, review the sexual assault and relationship violence resource guide.

King County Sexual Assault Resource Center – Renton; Links to an external site.

Northwest Network of Bi, Trans, Lesbian and Gay Survivors of Abuse – Seattle; Links to an external site.

API Chaya – Seattle; Links to an external site.

Lifewire – Bellevue; Links to an external site.

King County Trans Resource Guide - Links to an external site.

Campus Resources

Victim Advocate: Links to an external site.. Located in UW1-080; 425-352-3183 or uwbvae (free and confidential). Note: If you aren't sure if what you experienced meets the definition of sexual and/or relationship violence, you can still meet with the Victim Advocate.

Counseling Center: Links to an external site.. Located in UW1-080; 425-352-3183. (free and confidential)

Disability Resources for Students (DRS): For students who have been diagnosed with anxiety, PTSD, depression or other mental health condition, you may also consider reaching out to the Disability Resources for Students office at 425.352.5307 or

Sexual Assault & Violence Education (S.A.V.E) *student club* - Sexual Assault & Violence Education (SAVE) Brochure Links to an external site. we can also be reached at

National Organizations Dealing with Campus Advocacy Efforts

Know Your IX -  Links to an external site.Survivor-led and youth-led organization. Provides a useful clearing house of information on Title IX and opportunities for advocacy

End Rape on Campus -  Links to an external site.Founded by students, survivors, and professors, EROC provides direct support, advocacy, and education.