Find and Cite 6 Sources (due Thursday)
- Due Oct 27, 2022 by 4:30pm
- Points 10
- Submitting a text entry box, a website url, a media recording, or a file upload
Find and Cite 6 Sources
For this assignment, you are to find six (6) sources associated with the profession/career/major/dream job that you have chosen for the sequences. Three (3) of the sources should be content-related (something associated with the profession itself) and the other three (3) should be genre-related (find at least three example genres associated with the profession that you can cite). You can find the sources anywhere that is convenient (Google, Google Scholar, UW Library Website, etc.). Don't worry about the credibility/reliability of the sources...yet. Once you have found your sources, cite them using either MLA, APA, or Chicago Style. Feel free to use any online citation generator ( for MLA and for APA).