The Coffee Table

Greek vase: woman reads a scroll while standing next to an open box

A female figure reads a scroll. about 435-425 BC. From Boeotia. Louvre Museum CA 2220. Often identified as a Muse, but perhaps could also be interpreted as a mortal woman (more discussion in Glazebrook 2005) Links to an external site.. Image source Links to an external site.

Many people who take this class are very curious about the ancient Greek and Roman world, and in collecting the resources below I aim to give you a sense of further ways you could choose to explore this material. Some of you may also wish to browse here to locate resources for your project.  

Where possible I have included links to electronic resources available via the UW Libraries. 

Photos of ancient portraits from Roman Egypt, captioned with comments on social distancing .... 



Websites, journals and blogs, etc. Links to an external site. Eidolon: Classics without Fragility.  Lively articles on various topics related to the ancient Greek and Roman world and their impact in modern contexts. Well worth browsing! 

Dr. Sarah Bond Links to an external site., Department of History at the University of Iowa, tweets about all kinds of interesting classical Greek and Roman things, with an emphasis on doing history from below, that is, using historical evidence to uncover the lives of ordinary people. 

Books and articles (all available electronically)

The 'Handbooks' on various themes and topics linked below come from the UW libraries and require signing in with your uw netid. Each of them contains a lot of fascinating articles that you can see by clicking all the way to the library copy of the books.  Topics are arranged roughly in chronological order, that is, in the order in which we consider them in class.  E- Books noted as made available through the Hathi Trust National Emergency Library are available to one person at a time for one day at a time. 

Comprehensive books and essay collections

These books all treat both Greece and Rome and cover a wide range of topics

Links to an external site.Budin, S., ed. 2016. Women in Antiquity: Real Women Across the Ancient World Links to an external site.. Routledge. Wide-ranging collection of chapter, many excellent; covers not only Greece and Rome but also Mesopotamia, Egypt and other inter-connected regions of the Mediterranean.

Fantham, E. (1994). Women in the classical world: image and text Links to an external site.. New York: Oxford University Press. Wide ranging study, with lots of well organized and clearly labelled sections. Well worth browsing to get a sense of the range of possible areas to explore for your projects. 

Foxhall, L. (2013). Studying gender in classical antiquity Links to an external site. (Key themes in ancient history). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.

James, S., & Dillon, Sheila. (2012). A Companion to Women in the Ancient World Links to an external site.. (Blackwell companions to the ancient world). Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. Chapters on many many topics! 

Rawson, B. (2011). A companion to families in the Greek and Roman worlds Links to an external site. (Blackwell companions to the ancient world. Literature and culture). Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. ; Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Allison Surtees, and Jennifer Dyer, editors. Exploring Gender Diversity in the Ancient World Links to an external site.. Links to an external site. Edinburgh University Press, 2020.

Ruby Blondell and Kirk Ormand, eds. Ancient Sex: New Essays Links to an external site.. Ohio State University Press, 2015.

Golden, M., & Toohey, Peter. (2003). Sex and difference in ancient Greece and Rome Links to an external site. (Edinburgh readings on the ancient world). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Women in Antiquity: New Assessments Links to an external site., edited by Richard Hawley, et al., Taylor & Francis Group, 1995. 

Bronze Age (Minoan, Cycladic, Mycenaean)

Cline, E., & Strauss, Barry S. (2014). 1177 B.C. : The year civilization collapsed. Links to an external site. Princeton: Princeton University Press. (not much about women, but an interesting and thorough study of the destruction of Bronze Age settlements all over the Mediterranean world)

McInerny, Jeremy, "Bulls and Bull-leaping in the Minoan World Links to an external site.

Jack L. Davis, and Sharon R. Stocker. “The Lord of the Gold Rings: The Griffin Warrior of Pylos Links to an external site..” Hesperia: The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, vol. 85, no. 4, 2016, pp. 627–655 

David Traill, Download "Schliemann's Mendacity: A Question of Methodology,"

Anatolian Studies 36 (1986) 91-98. 

Textiles and Clothing

Shaw, Maria C., et al. Woven Threads: Patterned Textiles of the Aegean Bronze Age Links to an external site.. Vol. 22, Oxbow Books, 2016. 

Brøns, Cecilie. Gods and Garments: Textiles in Greek Sanctuaries in the 7th to the 1st Centuries BC Links to an external site.. 1st ed., vol. 28, Oxbow Books, 2017.

Fischer, M. (2013). "Ancient Greek Prostitutes and the Textile Industry in Attic Vase-Painting ca. 550-450 B.C.E Links to an external site.." Classical World, 106(2), 219-259.

Llewellyn-Jones, Lloyd. “House and Veil in Ancient Greece Links to an external site..” British School at Athens Studies, vol. 15, 2007, pp. 251–258. 

Mireille M. Lee, " Download Dress and Adornment in Archaic and Classical Greece

" in A Companion to Women in the Ancient World, Ed. Sharon L James and Sheila Dillon, Wiley-Blackwell 2012. 

Harlow, Mary. “Palla, Pallu, Chador: Draped Clothing in Ancient and Modern Cultures Links to an external site..” Global Textile Encounters, edited by Marie-Louise Nosch et al., Oxbow Books, Oxford; Philadelphia, 2014, pp. 15–24.

Nosch, Marie-Louise. “The Loom and the Ship in Ancient Greece.: Shared Knowledge, Shared Terminology, Cross-Crafts, or Cognitive Maritime-Textile Archaeology? Links to an external site.” Weaving and Fabric in Antiquity / Weben Und Gewebe in Der Antike: Materiality – Representation – Epistemology – Metapoetics / Materialität – Repräsentation – Episteme – Metapoetik, edited by Henriette Harich-Schwarzbauer, Oxbow Books, Oxford; Philadelphia, 2016, pp. 109–132. 

Harlow, Mary, and Marie-Louise Nosch, editors. Greek and Roman Textiles and Dress: An Interdisciplinary Anthology Links to an external site.. Oxbow Books, 2014.

Berg, Ria. “Dress, Identity, Cultural Memory: Copa and Ancilla Cauponae in Context Links to an external site..” Gender, Memory, and Identity in the Roman World, edited by Jussi Rantala, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, 2019, pp. 203–238.

Lovén, Lena Larsson. “Wool Work as a Gender Symbol in Ancient Rome.: Roman Textiles and Ancient Sources. Links to an external site.” Ancient Textiles: Production, Crafts and Society, edited by Carole Gillis and Marie-Louise B. Nosch, vol. 1, Oxbow Books, Oxford, 2007, pp. 229–236. JSTOR, Accessed 4 Nov. 2020.

Rothe, Ursula. “Veiling in Pannonia Links to an external site..” Embracing the Provinces: Society and Material Culture of the Roman Frontier Regions, edited by TATIANA IVLEVA et al., Oxbow Books, Oxford; Philadelphia, 2018, pp. 93–100.

Greek Myth, Ritual, and Religion

Check Oxford Classical Dictionary via the Classics research guide  for discussions of individual gods etc.

Stehle, E. (2012). Women and Religion in Greece. Links to an external site. In James and Dillon eds.  A Companion to Women in the Ancient World (pp. 191-203). Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing.

The Oxford handbook of ancient Greek religion Links to an external site.. Ed. E. Eidinow & Julia Kindt. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2016


Jan N. Bremmer and Andrew Erskine, editors. The Gods of Ancient Greece: Identities and Transformations Links to an external site.. Edinburgh University Press, 2010.

Peter Berhhardt,  Gods and Goddesses in the Garden: Greco-Roman Mythology and the Scientific Names of Plants Links to an external site.. Rutgers University Press, 2008.

Susan G. Cole, ' Download Finding Dionysus

' from Ogden, D. (2007). A companion to Greek religion (Blackwell companions to the ancient world Links to an external site.. Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub.

Susan G. Cole, “Domesticating Artemis.” Landscapes, Gender, and Ritual Space: The Ancient Greek Experience, 1st ed., University of California Press, 2004, pp. 198–230.

Detienne, Marcel, and Janet Lloyd. “So What Is the Sex of Mythology?”  Links to an external site.Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics, vol. 15, no. 3, 2008, pp. 39–46. JSTOR, Links to an external site..

Goff, Barbara. Citizen Bacchae: Women’s Ritual Practice in Ancient Greece Links to an external site.. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2004.

C. J. Herington, “ Download Athena in Athenian Literature and Cult

.” Greece & Rome, vol. 10, 1963, pp. 61–73.

Joan O'Brien, “ Download Homer's Savage Hera

.” The Classical Journal, vol. 86, no. 2, 1990, pp. 105–125.

Aghion, I., Barbillon, Claire, & Lissarrague, F. (1996). Gods and heroes of classical antiquity (Flammarion iconographic guides Links to an external site.). Paris ; New York: Flammarion. Alphabetical list of gods with discussion and images of how they are represented in art. Hathi Trust. 

Bull, M. (2005). The mirror of the Gods Links to an external site.. Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press. Hathi Trust. 

M. Konaris (2016). The Greek gods in modern scholarship : Interpretation and belief in nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Germany and Britain Links to an external site. (Oxford classical monographs). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

TALALAY, LAUREN E. “A Feminist Boomerang: The Great Goddess of Greek Prehistory.”  Links to an external site.Sex and Difference in Ancient Greece and Rome, edited by Mark Golden and Peter Toohey, Edinburgh University Press, 2003, pp. 307–318. JSTOR,

Theodore Zilkowski, Minos and the Moderns : Cretan Myth in Twentieth-Century Literature and Art Links to an external site.. Oxford Scholarship Online, 2008.

Matthews, Lydia, and Irene Salvo. “Cursing-Prayers and Female Vengeance in the Ancient Greek World Links to an external site..” Revenge and Gender in Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Literature, edited by Lesel Dawson and Fiona McHardy, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2018, pp. 141–159.

Women poets and song culture

Glazebrook, A. (2005). "Reading Women: Book Rolls on Attic Vases" Links to an external site.. Mouseion: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada, 5(1), 1-46.

Winkler, J. J. Download Double Consciousness in Sappho's Lyrics

. In  McClure L. 2002. Sexuality and gender in the classical world : readings and sources Links to an external site.. Oxford, UK ; Malden, MA, USA: Blackwell Publishers.

Budelmann, T. Power, Another Look at Female Choruses in Classical Athens  Links to an external site.Classical Antiquity, Vol. 34 No. 2, October 2015; (pp. 252-295) DOI: 10.1525/ca.2015.34.2.252

Sheramy Bundrick. “Recovering Rhapsodes: A New Vase by the Pantoxena Painter.” Classical Antiquity, Links to an external site. vol. 34, no. 1, 2015, pp. 1–32. JSTOR, (not about women though good for general background)

Carson, A. (1994). The gender of sound: Description, definition and mistrust of the female voice in western culture Links to an external site.. Resources for Feminist Research, 23(3), 24-31.

Johnson, M. (2013). Sappho Links to an external site. (Ancients in action). London: Bloomsbury Publishing. Hathi Trust

Klinck, A. (2008). Woman's Songs in Ancient Greece Links to an external site.. In Woman's Songs in Ancient Greece (pp. Woman's Songs in Ancient Greece, 2008-12-15). Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press.

Michelini, Ann N. "Women and Music in Ancient Greece and Rome Links to an external site.," in Women and Music : A History, edited by Karin Anna Pendle, Indiana University Press, 2000

Pöhlmann, Egert. “PS. PLUTARCH, ‘DE MUSICA’. A HISTORY OF ORAL TRADITION OF ANCIENT GREEK MUSIC.” Links to an external site. Quaderni Urbinati Di Cultura Classica, vol. 99, no. 3, 2011, pp. 11–30. JSTOR,


Neils, J. (2012). Spartan Girls and the Athenian Gaze Links to an external site.. In A Companion to Women in the Ancient World (pp. 153-166). Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing.

Millender, E. G. (2017). Spartan Women Links to an external site.. In A Companion to Sparta (pp. 500-524). Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.

Pomeroy, S. (2002). Spartan women Links to an external site.. Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press.


Murray, Sarah C., et al. “The Dipylon Mistress: Social and Economic Complexity, the Gendering of Craft Production, and Early Greek Ceramic Material Culture Links to an external site..” American Journal of Archaeology, vol. 124, no. 2, 2020, pp. 215–44.

Music, Dance and Athletics

Reid, H. (n.d.). Plato on women in sport Links to an external site.. Journal of the Philosophy of Sport, Ahead-of-print(Ahead-of-print), 1-18.

Christesen, Paul, & Kyle, Donald G. (2013). A companion to sport and spectacle in Greek and Roman antiquity Links to an external site. (Blackwell companions to the ancient world). Somerset: Wiley.

Olsen, S. (2017). Kinesthetic Choreia: Empathy, Memory, and Dance in Ancient Greece Links to an external site.. Classical Philology 112(2), 153-174.

Olsen, S. (2017). The Fantastic Phaeacians: Dance and Disruption in the Odyssey Links to an external site.. Classical Antiquity., 36(1), 1-32.

Dué, C. (2016). Get in Formation, This Is an Emergency: The Politics of Choral Song and Dance in Aristophanes' Lysistrata and Spike Lee's Chi-Raq Links to an external site.. Arion (Boston), 24(1), 21.

West, M. (1992). Ancient Greek music Links to an external site.. Oxford [England] : New York: Clarendon Press ; Oxford University Press.

Piccioni, Aura. “Mimēsis for a Cult: The Case of Western Greek Clay Figurines of Female Dancers Links to an external site..” The Many Faces of Mimesis: Selected Essays from the 2017 Symposium on the Hellenic Heritage of Western Greece, edited by Heather L. Reid and Jeremy C. DeLong, vol. 3, Parnassos Press – Fonte Aretusa, Sioux City, Iowa, 2018, pp. 339–356.

Sex, gender, status, and the household in Greece

Campa, Naomi T. Kurios, Kuria and the Status of Athenian Women Links to an external site..” The Classical Journal, vol. 114, no. 3, 2019, pp. 257–279. JSTOR, Links to an external site.

Kosmopoulou, Angeliki. “'Working Women': Female Professionals on Classical Attic Gravestones.” Links to an external site. The Annual of the British School at Athens, vol. 96, 2001, pp. 281–319. JSTOR, Links to an external site.

Kurke, Leslie. “Inventing the ‘Hetaira’: Sex, Politics, and Discursive Conflict in Archaic Greece.” Links to an external site. Classical Antiquity, vol. 16, no. 1, 1997, pp. 106–150. JSTOR,

Mireille M. Lee, " Download Dress and Adornment in Archaic and Classical Greece

" in A Companion to Women in the Ancient World, Ed. Sharon L James and Sheila Dillon, Wiley-Blackwell 2012. 

Sarah Morris, " Download Material Evidence: Looking for Slaves? The Archaeological Record: Greece, " The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Slaveries Edited by Stephen Hodkinson, Marc Kleijwegt, and Kostas Vlassopoulos

Ian Morris, “Archaeology and Gender Ideologies in Early Archaic Greece Links to an external site..” Transactions of the American Philological Association (1974-), vol. 129, 1999, pp. 305–317. JSTOR, Links to an external site..

Dover, K., Halliwell, Stephen, Masterson, Mark, & Robson, James. (2016). Greek homosexuality Links to an external site.. London, England: Bloomsbury Academic. e-book access through June 12, 2020. 

Fischer, M. (2013). "Ancient Greek Prostitutes and the Textile Industry in Attic Vase-Painting ca. 550-450 B.C.E Links to an external site.." Classical World, 106(2), 219-259.

Lape, S. " Download The Psychology of Prostitution in Aeschines' speech Against Timarchus

", in Faraone, C., & McClure, Laura. (2006). Prostitutes and courtesans in the ancient world Links to an external site. (Wisconsin studies in classics). Madison, Wis.: University of Wisconsin Press.

Lewis, S. (2013). The Athenian Woman An Iconographic Handbook Links to an external site.. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis.

Nevett, L., & Ault, Bradley A. (2005). Ancient Greek Houses and Households Chronological, Regional, and Social Diversity Links to an external site.. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

Rabinowitz, Nancy Sorkin,  " Download Excavating Women's Homoeroticism in Ancient Greece: The Evidence from Athenian Vase-painting

". in Rabinowitz, N., & Auanger, Lisa. (2002). Among women : From the homosocial to the homoerotic in the ancient world Links to an external site.. Austin: University of Texas Press.

Sebillotte Cuchet, Violaine, and Lillian Doherty. “Female Citizens Reconfiguring the Political: Thirty Years of Work on Greek Antiquity Links to an external site..” Clio (English Edition), no. 43, 2016, pp. 186–216. JSTOR,

Sutton, R. (2004). " Download Family Portraits: Recognizing the 'Oikos' on Attic Red-Figure Pottery

". Hesperia Supplements, 33, 327-350.

Swerdlow, A. (1978). "The Greek citizen woman in Attic vase painting: New views and new questions Links to an external site.." Women's Studies., 5(3), 267-284.

TAYLOR, C. Women’s Social Networks and Female Friendship in the Ancient Greek City Links to an external site.. Gender & History, [s. l.], v. 23, n. 3, p. 703–720, 2011.

Toscano, M. (2013). "The Eyes Have It: Female Desire on Attic Greek Vases" Links to an external site.. Arethusa., 46(1), 1-40.

Childhood and Education

The Oxford handbook of childhood and education in the classical world Links to an external site.. Ed. J. Grubbs, Tim G. Parkin, & Roslynne Bell. New York: Oxford University Press 2013. 

Morillo, Susana Reboreda. “Childhood and Motherhood in Ancient Greece: an Iconographic Look Links to an external site..” in Motherhood and Infancies in the Mediterranean in Antiquity Links to an external site., edited by Margarita Sánchez Romero and Rosa Mª Cid López, Oxbow Books, Oxford; Philadelphia, 2018, pp. 135–150. JSTOR, Accessed 4 Nov. 2020.

Pilkington, Nathan. “Growing Up Roman: Infant Mortality and Reproductive Development Links to an external site..” The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, vol. 44, no. 1, 2013, pp. 1–35.

Cancelas, Carla Rubiera. “Seruae, Mothers and the Mother–Child Bond in Roman Italy.: The Analysis of the Epigraphic Evidence. Links to an external site.” in Motherhood and Infancies in the Mediterranean in Antiquity Links to an external site., edited by Margarita Sánchez Romero and Rosa Mª Cid López, Oxbow Books, Oxford; Philadelphia, 2018, pp. 211–222. JSTOR, Accessed 4 Nov. 2020.


Patterson, Cynthia. “‘Not Worth the Rearing’: The Causes of Infant Exposure in Ancient Greece.” Links to an external site. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1974-), vol. 115, 1985, pp. 103–123. JSTOR,

Laes, C., Goodey, C. F, & Rose, Martha L. (2013). Disabilities in Roman antiquity : Disparate bodies, a capite ad calcem Links to an external site. (Mnemosyne, Supplements 356). Leiden ; Boston: Brill.

Laes, Christian. “Mental Hospitals in Pre-Modern Society: Antiquity, Byzantium, Western Europe, and Islam. Some Reconsiderations. Links to an external site.” Gender, Memory, and Identity in the Roman World, edited by Jussi Rantala, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, 2019, pp. 301–324. JSTOR, Links to an external site..

Melancholia in Ancient Greece and Rome. Links to an external site.” Melancholia and Depression: From Hippocratic Times to Modern Times, by STANLEY W. JACKSON, Yale University Press, New Haven; London, 1986, pp. 29–45. JSTOR, Links to an external site.

Sneed, D. 2018 The Life Cycle of Disability in Ancient Greece Links to an external site.. Dissertation UCLA. 

Solevåg, A. (2018). Disabling Women in the Acts of Peter. Links to an external site. In Negotiating the Disabled Body: Representations of Disability in Early Christian Texts (pp. 75-94). Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature. Retrieved November 6, 2020, from

Food, Labor and Daily Life

Foxhall, Lin. “House Clearance: Unpacking the 'Kitchen' in Classical Greece Links to an external site..” British School at Athens Studies, vol. 15, 2007, pp. 233–242. JSTOR, 

Garnsey, P. (1999). Food and society in classical antiquity Links to an external site. (Key themes in ancient history). Cambridge, U.K.; New York: Cambridge University Press.

Foxhall, L. (2007). Olive cultivation in ancient Greece seeking the ancient economy Links to an external site.. Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press.

Green, F., Mira  (2014). In and out : Food, the body, and social hierarchies in Roman household Links to an external site.. Dissertation, University of Washington.

Foxhall, L., & Neher, Gabriele. (2013). Gender and the city before modernity Links to an external site. (Gender & history (Unnumbered)). Chichester [England] ; Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell.

Lovén, Lena Larsson. “The Invisible Women of Roman Agrarian Work and Economy. Links to an external site.” Gender, Memory, and Identity in the Roman World, edited by Jussi Rantala, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, 2019, pp. 89–104.. 

Grocock CW, Grainger, Sally. 2006. Apicius : a critical edition with an introduction and an English translation of the Latin recipe text Links to an external site. Apicius. Critical ed. Totnes [England]: Prospect. (Hathi Trust)

Dalby A. 1996. Siren Feasts Links to an external site.. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. (Hathi Trust)


Fagan GG, Riess, Werner. 2016. The topography of violence in the Greco-Roman world Links to an external site.. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. ( has chapters on violence against women and against enslaved persons)

Pomeroy, S. (2009). The Murder of Regilla : A Case of Domestic Violence in Antiquity Links to an external site.. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Matthews, Lydia, and Irene Salvo. “Cursing-Prayers and Female Vengeance in the Ancient Greek World Links to an external site..” Revenge and Gender in Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Literature, edited by Lesel Dawson and Fiona McHardy, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2018, pp. 141–159.


Monika Trümper, Download Space and Social Relationships in the Greek Oikos of the Classical and Hellenistic Periods

in Rawson, A Companion to Families in the Greek and Roman Worlds Links to an external site.

Dickmann, J.-A. Download Space and Social Relations in the Roman West

, in Rawson, A Companion to Families in the Greek and Roman Worlds Links to an external site.

Cooper, Kate. “Closely Watched Households: Visibility, Exposure and Private Power in the Roman ‘Domus Links to an external site..’” Past & Present, no. 197, 2007, pp. 3–33. JSTOR, Links to an external site..

CIANCA, J. (2018). Roman Domestic Space Links to an external site.. In Sacred Ritual, Profane Space: The Roman House as Early Christian Meeting Place (pp. 34-52). MONTREAL, KINGSTON; LONDON; CHICAGO: McGill-Queen's University Press.

Greek Law 

Violaine Sebillotte Cuchet and Lillian Doherty, Female citizens reconfiguring the political: thirty years of work on Greek Antiquity, Links to an external site.  Clio. Women, Gender, History

No. 43, Gender and the Citizen (2016), pp. 186-216

The Oxford handbook of Greek and Roman slaveries Links to an external site.. Ed. S. Hodkinson, Marc Kleijwegt, & Kostas Vlassopoulos, Kostas. New York, N.Y.: Oxford University Press 2016

The Oxford handbook of ancient Greek law Links to an external site.. Ed. E. Harris & Mirko Canevaro.  New York, N.Y.]: Oxford University Press 2015

The Oxford handbook of Roman law and society Links to an external site.. Ed. P. Plessis, Clifford Ando, & Kaius Tuori. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2016

The Oxford handbook of the state in the ancient Near East and Mediterranean Links to an external site.. Ed. P. Bang and Walter Scheidel.  New York: Oxford University Press 2013

Silver, Morris. Slave-Wives, Single Women and “Bastards" in the Ancient Greek World: Law and Economics Perspectives Links to an external site.. Oxbow Books, 2018.

Philosophy, Philosophers, and Philosophical Thinking

MacLean R. 2020. The Absence of Slavery in the Golden Age: Cynic and Stoic Perspectives Links to an external site.. American journal of philology. 141(2):147–177.

Hunt, Peter. Ancient Greek and Roman Slavery Links to an external site., John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2017. See the chapter on Philosophy and Law. 

Lane, M. (2011). Eco-Republic : What the Ancients Can Teach Us about Ethics, Virtue, and Sustainable Living Links to an external site. (Course Book ed.). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Not focused on women, but an interesting and timely book. See also her podcast at Ancient Greece Declassified Links to an external site.


Pomeroy, Sarah B.. Pythagorean Women : Their History and Writings Links to an external site., Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013. .

Gaca, Kathy L. “The Reproductive Technology of the Pythagoreans.”  Links to an external site.Classical Philology, vol. 95, no. 2, 2000, pp. 113–132. 

Cynics & Hipparchia

Kennedy, Kristen. “Hipparchia the Cynic: Feminist Rhetoric and the Ethics of Embodiment.”  Links to an external site.Hypatia, vol. 14, no. 2, 1999, pp. 48–71. JSTOR, Uses Hipparchia as a way of thinking through some modern philosophical and feminist issues


Leiwo, M., and P. Remes. “Partnership of Citizens and Metics: The Will of Epicurus Links to an external site..” The Classical Quarterly, vol. 49, no. 1, 1999, pp. 161–166. JSTOR,

Gordon, Pamela. The Invention and Gendering of Epicurus Links to an external site., University of Michigan Press, 2012. Has a chapter on Women in the Garden. 


Engel, David M. “Women's Role in the Home and the State: Stoic Theory Reconsidered.” Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, vol. 101, 2003, pp. 267–288. JSTOR,

Hill, Lisa. “THE FIRST WAVE OF FEMINISM: WERE THE STOICS FEMINISTS?”  Links to an external site.History of Political Thought, vol. 22, no. 1, 2001, pp. 13–40. JSTOR,

Manning, C. E. “Seneca and the Stoics on the Equality of the Sexes.” Links to an external site. Mnemosyne, vol. 26, no. 2, 1973, pp. 170–177. JSTOR,

Reydams-Schils, G. “Philosophy and Education in Stoicism of the Roman Imperial Era.” Links to an external site. Oxford Review of Education, vol. 36, no. 5, 2010, pp. 561–574.,

Musonius Rufus

RUFUS, MUSONIUS, and CORA E. LUTZ. That One Should Disdain Hardships: The Teachings of a Roman Stoic Links to an external site.. Yale University Press, 2020.

Davenport, Guy. “C. Musonius Rufus.”  Links to an external site.The Hudson Review, vol. 29, no. 1, 1976, pp. 19–44. JSTOR, (this is a fictional short story from the point of view of Musonius Rufus)

ULLUCCI, DANIEL. “Ungendering Andrea.”  Links to an external site.A Most Reliable Witness: Essays in Honor of Ross Shepard Kraemer, edited by Susan Ashbrook Harvey et al., Society of Biblical Literature, Providence, Rhode Island, 2015, pp. 275–284. JSTOR,


Rist, J. M. “Hypatia.”  Links to an external site.Phoenix, vol. 19, no. 3, 1965, pp. 214–225. JSTOR,

Dzielska, M. (1995). Hypatia of Alexandria Links to an external site. (Revealing antiquity ; 8). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

Ramelli, Ilaria. “Origen and Hypatia: Parallel Portraits of Platonist Educators. Links to an external site.” Reading and Teaching Ancient Fiction: Jewish, Christian, and Greco-Roman Narratives, edited by Sara R. Johnson et al., Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta, 2018, pp. 199–212. 

Deakin, M. (2007). Hypatia of Alexandria : Mathematician and martyr Links to an external site.. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books. Hathi Trust 

Viney, D. W. (2013). Remembering and Misremembering Hypatia: The Lessons of Agora Links to an external site.. The Midwest Quarterly (Pittsburg), 54(4), 352. (Review and discussion of the movie Agora)


Arnott, Robert. “Healers and Medicines in the Mycenaean Greek Texts. Links to an external site.” Medicine and Healing in the Ancient Mediterranean, edited by Demetrios Michaelides, Oxbow Books, Oxford; Philadelphia, 2014, pp. 44–53.

Bonnard, Jean-Baptiste, et al. “Male and Female Bodies According to Ancient Greek Physicians.” Links to an external site. Clio (English Edition), no. 37, 2013, pp. 19–37. JSTOR, Links to an external site..

Bliquez, L. Download Gynecological surgery from the Hippocratics to the fall of the Roman Empire

, January 2010 Medicina nei secoli 22(1-3):25-64

Cilliers, L. (2019). The knowledge and competence of physicians in the late Roman Empire Links to an external site.. In Roman North Africa: Environment, Society and Medical Contribution (pp. 97-116). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. (see p. 102 ff on women in the medical profession)

Retief, Francois P, Cilliers, Louise. 2005. Download The healing hand : the role of women in ancient medicine : the Graeco-Roman world

. Acta Theologica volume 26.2 Supplementum 7 Links to an external site., 165–188. 

ECCA, GIULIA. “Fixing Ethical Rules for Midwives in the Early Roman Imperial Period: Soranus, 'Gynaecia' I 3–4 Links to an external site. / Die Festlegung Ethischer Regeln Für Hebammen in Der Frühen Römischen Kaiserzeit: Soranos, ‚Gynaecia‘ I 3–4.” Sudhoffs Archiv, vol. 101, no. 2, 2017, pp. 125–138. (Analysis of Soranus' remarks on the training of midwives)

DEAN-JONES, LESLEY. “The Cultural Construct of the Female Body in Classical Greek Science.” Links to an external site. Sex and Difference in Ancient Greece and Rome, edited by Mark Golden and Peter Toohey, Edinburgh University Press, 2003, pp. 183–201. JSTOR, Links to an external site..

Faraone, Christopher A. “Magical and Medical Approaches to the Wandering Womb in the Ancient Greek World.” Links to an external site. Classical Antiquity, vol. 30, no. 1, 2011, pp. 1–32. JSTOR,

Flemming, R. (2013). The Invention of Infertility in the Classical Greek World. Links to an external site. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 87(4), 565-590.

Flemming, R. (2007). Women, Writing and Medicine in the Classical World Links to an external site.. Classical Quarterly, 57(1), 257-279.

Flemming, R. (2019). Chapter One (The Wrong Kind of ) Gonorrhea in Antiquity Links to an external site.. in  Szreter, Simon. The Hidden Affliction: Sexually Transmitted Infections and Infertility in History. University of Rochester Press, 2019. Project MUSE Links to an external site..

FLEMMING, REBECCA. “THE PATHOLOGY OF PREGNANCY IN GALEN'S COMMENTARIES ON THE ‘EPIDEMICS. Links to an external site.’” Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies. Supplement, no. 77, 2002, pp. 101–112. JSTOR, Links to an external site..

HANSON, ANN ELLIS. “The Hippocratic Parthenos in Sickness and Health.”  Links to an external site.Virginity Revisited: Configurations of the Unpossessed Body, edited by BONNIE MacLACHLAN and JUDITH FLETCHER, University of Toronto Press, 2007, pp. 40–65. 

Hopwood, N., Flemming, Rebecca, & Kassell, Lauren. (2018). Reproduction : Antiquity to the present day. Links to an external site. Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

King, H. (2020). Hippocrates now : The 'father of medicine' in the internet age Links to an external site. (Bloomsbury studies in classical reception). London: Bloomsbury.

King, H. (1998). Hippocrates' woman: reading the female body in ancient Greece Links to an external site.. London ; New York: Routledge.

King, H. Download Bound to Bleed: Artemis and Greek Women

Hanson, Ann Ellis. “Hippocrates: ‘Diseases of Women 1 Links to an external site..’” Signs, vol. 1, no. 2, 1975, pp. 567–584. JSTOR,

Hippocrates, Rebecca Flemming, & Ann Ellis Hanson. (1998). Hippocrates' "Peri Partheniôn' (Diseases of Young Girls): Text and Translation Links to an external site.. Early Science and Medicine, 3(3), 241-252.

Horstmanshoff, H., Tilburg, C. R. van, & International Hippocrates Colloquium. (2010). Hippocrates and medical education Links to an external site. : Selected papers read at the XIIth International Hippocrates Colloquium, Universiteit Leiden, 24-26 August 2005 (Brill ebook titles). Leiden ; Boston: Brill. Has a chapter on the education of midwives. 

Knight, Mary. “Curing Cut or Ritual Mutilation?: Some Remarks on the Practice of Female and Male Circumcision in Graeco-Roman Egypt. Links to an external site. ” Isis, vol. 92, no. 2, 2001, pp. 317–338. JSTOR, Links to an external site.

Pilkington, Nathan. “Growing Up Roman: Infant Mortality and Reproductive Development Links to an external site..” The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, vol. 44, no. 1, 2013, pp. 1–35.

Riddle, John M. “Oral Contraceptives and Early-Term Abortifacients during Classical Antiquity and the Middle Ages Links to an external site..” Past & Present, no. 132, 1991, pp. 3–32. JSTOR, Links to an external site..

Nelson, Sarah E. “Persephone's Seeds: Abortifacients and Contraceptives in Ancient Greek Medicine and Their Recent Scientific Appraisal. Links to an external site.” Pharmacy in History, vol. 51, no. 2, 2009, pp. 57–69.

Temkin, O. Soranus Gynecology Links to an external site. Links to an external site.

Van der Eijk, Philip, editor. “DISEASE AS AGGRESSION IN THE HIPPOCRATIC CORPUS AND GREEK TRAGEDY: WILD AND DEVOURING DISEASE. Links to an external site.” Greek Medicine from Hippocrates to Galen: Selected Papers, by Jacques Jouanna and Neil Allies, Brill, LEIDEN; BOSTON, 2012, pp. 81–96. JSTOR, Links to an external site..

Hankinson, R.J. “Magic, Religion and Science: Divine and Human in the Hippocratic Corpus.”  Links to an external site.Apeiron: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science, vol. 31, no. 1, 1998, pp. 1–34. JSTOR, Links to an external site..

Scarborough, John, and Andrea Fernandes. “Ancient Medicinal Use of Aristolochia: Birthwort's Tradition and Toxicity Links to an external site..” Pharmacy in History, vol. 53, no. 1, 2011, pp. 3–21. 

Castelli, Hélène, and Marian Rothstein. “The Skills of Hecamede. Women as Caregivers in Archaic and Classical Greece. Links to an external site.” Clio. Women, Gender, History, no. 49, 2019, pp. 25–43. 

Jackson, Stanley W. “Melancholia in Ancient Greece and Rome. Links to an external site.” Melancholia and Depression: From Hippocratic Times to Modern Times, Yale University Press, New Haven; London, 1986, pp. 29–45. JSTOR, Links to an external site.

Toohey P. 2004. Melancholy, love, and time : boundaries of the self in ancient literature Links to an external site.. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

Cilliers, Louise. “Reciprocal Influences: Greco-Roman and Christian Views of Healing Links to an external site..” Roman North Africa: Environment, Society and Medical Contribution Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, 2019, pp. 197–218. .


Stamatia Dova. “Lactation Cessation and the Realities of Martyrdom in The Passion of Saint Perpetua.” Links to an external site. Illinois Classical Studies, vol. 42, no. 1, 2017, pp. 245–265. JSTOR,

Joshel, Sandra R. “Nurturing the Master's Child: Slavery and the Roman Child-Nurse.” Links to an external site. Signs, vol. 12, no. 1, 1986, pp. 3–22. JSTOR,

W. Marshall. “Breastfeeding in Greek Literature and Thought.”  Links to an external site.Illinois Classical Studies, vol. 42, no. 1, 2017, pp. 185–201. JSTOR,


The Hellenistic World 

Pomeroy, S. (1984). Women in Hellenistic Egypt : From Alexander to Cleopatra Links to an external site.. New York: Schocken Books.

Pérez, María Dolores Mirón. “The Queen and Her Children: Royal Motherhood in Hellenistic Greece Links to an external site..” in Motherhood and Infancies in the Mediterranean in Antiquity Links to an external site., edited by Margarita Sánchez Romero and Rosa Mª Cid López, Oxbow Books, Oxford; Philadelphia, 2018, pp. 159–172. 



Rawson, B. (1996). Marriage, Divorce, and Children in Ancient Rome Links to an external site.. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Hathi Trust National Emergency Library)

Hemelrijk, E., & Woolf, Greg. (2013). Women and the Roman city in the Latin West Links to an external site. (Mnemosyne, Supplements 360). Leiden: Brill.

Scheidel, W. (2018). The science of Roman history : Biology, climate, and the future of the past. Links to an external site. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.

Pomeroy, S. (2009). The Murder of Regilla : A Case of Domestic Violence in Antiquity Links to an external site.. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Pomeroy, S., & Plutarch. (1999). Plutarch's Advice to the bride and groom and A consolation to his wife Links to an external site. English translations, commentary, interpretive essays, and bibliography. New York: Oxford University Press.

The Oxford handbook of Roman Britain Links to an external site.. Ed. M. Millett, Louise Revell, & Alison Jane Moore. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. 2016

The Oxford handbook of Roman Egypt Links to an external site.. Ed C. Riggs.  Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012. 

The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Daily Life in Roman Palestine Links to an external site.. Ed. C. Helzer. Oxford University Press. 2010

Daily life, architecture etc. in Rome

Berg, Ria. “Dress, Identity, Cultural Memory: Copa and Ancilla Cauponae in Context Links to an external site..” Gender, Memory, and Identity in the Roman World, edited by Jussi Rantala, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, 2019, pp. 203–238. (discusses the dress and jewelry of women who worked in bars in Pompeii.) 

Cancelas, Carla Rubiera. “Seruae, Mothers and the Mother–Child Bond in Roman Italy.: The Analysis of the Epigraphic Evidence Links to an external site..” Motherhood and Infancies in the Mediterranean in Antiquity, edited by Margarita Sánchez Romero and Rosa Mª Cid López, Oxbow Books, Oxford; Philadelphia, 2018, pp. 211–222. 

Jennifer Trimble. The Zoninus Collar and the Archaeology of Roman Slavery. Links to an external site.”American Journal of Archaeology, vol. 120, no. 3, 2016, pp. 447–472.

Fanny Dolansky. “Playing with Gender: Girls, Dolls, and Adult Ideals in the Roman World.” Links to an external site. Classical Antiquity, vol. 31, no. 2, 2012, pp. 256–292. JSTOR,

Eckardt, Hella. “Writing Power.: The Material Culture of Literacy as Representation and Practice.” Links to an external site. Materialising Roman Histories, edited by Astrid Van Oyen and Martin Pitts, vol. 3, Oxbow Books, Oxford; Philadelphia, 2017, pp. 23–30. JSTOR, (partly on representation of women and writing)

OLSON, KELLY. “The Appearance of the Young Roman Girl.”  Links to an external site.Roman Dress and the Fabrics of Roman Culture, edited by JONATHAN EDMONDSON and ALISON KEITH, vol. 46, University of Toronto Press, Toronto; Buffalo; London, 2008, pp. 139–157. JSTOR, Links to an external site..


Religion in the Roman world

Heyob SK. 1975. The cult of Isis among women in the Graeco-Roman world Links to an external site.. Leiden: Brill. (Hathi Trust)

Takács, Sarolta A. “Cleopatra, Isis, and the Formation of Augustan Rome. Links to an external site.” Cleopatra: A Sphinx Revisited, edited by Margaret M. Miles, University of California Press, 2011, pp. 78–95.

The Oxford handbook of early Christian studies Links to an external site.. Ed. S. Harvey & David G. Hunter.  Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press. 2008

Yulia Ustinova, "To live in joy and die with hope: Experiential aspects of ancient Greek Mystery rites. Links to an external site.” Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, vol. 56, no. 2, 2013, pp. 105–123.

Hemelrijk, Emily A. “Priestesses of the Imperial Cult in the Latin West: Titles and Function. Links to an external site.” L'Antiquité Classique, vol. 74, 2005, pp. 137–170. 

Mustakallio, Katariina. “Emotional Bonds and Roles of the Priestesses of Vesta.”  Links to an external site.Bodies, Borders, Believers: Ancient Texts and Present Conversations, edited by Anne Hege Grung et al., James Clarke & Co Ltd, Cambridge, 2016, pp. 230–242. JSTOR, Links to an external site..


Bell, Sinclair and Carpino, Alexandra. A Companion to the Etruscans. Links to an external site. Wiley Blackwell 2016.

Wallace, Rex. "Laguage, Alphabet and Linguistic Affilication" In Sinclair and Carpino 2016.

Rix, Helmut. "Etruscan" In R. Woodard, ed. The Ancient Languages of Europe. Cambridge 2008.

‪Late antiquity and Early Christianity

Abrahamsen, Valerie. “Priestesses and Other Female Cult Leaders at Philippi in the Early Christian Era.” Links to an external site. The People beside Paul: The Philippian Assembly and History from Below, edited by Joseph A. Marchal, Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta, 2015, pp. 25–62. JSTOR,

Alberici, Lisa A., and Mary Harlow. “Age and Innocence: Female Transitions to Adulthood in Late Antiquity.” Links to an external site. Hesperia Supplements, vol. 41, 2007, pp. 193–203. JSTOR,

DORAN, ROBERT. “Thecla and the Governor: Who Clothes Whom?”  Links to an external site.A Most Reliable Witness: Essays in Honor of Ross Shepard Kraemer, edited by Susan Ashbrook Harvey et al., Society of Biblical Literature, Providence, Rhode Island, 2015, pp. 17–24. JSTOR,

Mistry, Zubin, “From Hope of Children to Object of God’s Care: Abortion in Classical and Late Antique Society.”  Links to an external site.Abortion in the Early Middle Ages, C.500-900, by Zubin Mistry, NED - New edition ed., Boydell and Brewer, 2015, pp. 23–55. JSTOR, Links to an external site..

Cullhed, Sigrid Schottenius. “Reading Textual Patchwork Links to an external site..” Weaving and Fabric in Antiquity / Weben Und Gewebe in Der Antike: Materiality – Representation – Epistemology – Metapoetics / Materialität – Repräsentation – Episteme – Metapoetik, edited by Henriette Harich-Schwarzbauer, Oxbow Books, Oxford; Philadelphia, 2016, pp. 235–244. JSTOR, Links to an external site.. Discussion of the poet Proba.     


The Oxford handbook of late antiquity Links to an external site.. Ed. S. Johnson. Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press

The Oxford handbook of medieval Latin literature Links to an external site.. Ed. R. Hexter & David Townsend. New York ; Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012

The Oxford Handbook of Greek Drama in the Americas Links to an external site.. Ed. K. Bosher, F. Macintosh. J. McConnell, & P. Rankine.  Oxford University Press 2015

The Oxford handbook of Hellenic studies Links to an external site.. Ed. G. Boys-Stones, Barbara Graziosi, & Phiroze Vasunia. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2009. 

Visit a Museum

During this time of social distancing you can treat yourself to a museum visit by exploring the digital collections of museums. I've linked below to pages that should give you browsing access to Greek and Roman objects. Please let me know if a link doesn't work well. 

Ashmolean Museum Links to an external site. (Oxford)

British Museum Links to an external site. (London)

Louvre Links to an external site. (Paris)

The Metropolitan Museum Links to an external site. (New York, NY)

Museum of Fine Arts Boston Links to an external site.

tour the frescoes at the archaeological site of Akrotiri, on the island of Thera Links to an external site.(Greece)


List of Women writers from Greek and Roman Antiquity 

Greek and Roman Women writers  Links to an external site.


Articles that I wrote

Catherine Connors and Cindy Clendenon, Download  “Mapping Tartaros: Observation, Inference, and Belief in Ancient Greek and Roman Accounts of Karst Terrain.”

 Classical Antiquity, vol. 35, no. 2, 2016, pp. 147–188. JSTOR, 

Catherine Connors, Download To Hell and Back: Comedy, Cult and the House of the Meretrix

, in Franko, G., & Dutsch, Dorota. (2020). A companion to Plautus (First ed., Blackwell companions to the ancient world). Hoboken: Wiley.