
Participation 15%

Read all readings and watch the lectures prior to the class for which they are assigned and come to class ready to discuss them. If discussion questions have been posted, read and think about them as well. In-class discussion will often begin with these questions. I encourage you to take notes on the readings, either on printed or digital copies of the readings themselves or in a separate notebook or file. Make sure you have access to the day's readings, on a screen or in printed form, during the class session. You will be asked to refer to the assigned readings during discussion.

Participation Scores

For each class meeting, you’ll receive a participation score of 0-5. Your participation grade is based on your contributions to class discussion and in-class writing exercises. Contributions to oral discussion include asking questions, responding to questions, commenting on a classmate’s remarks, reading aloud, etc. Contributions to discussion should be:

  • informed (i.e. show you’ve done the readings)
  • thoughtful (i.e. show that you’ve thought about them)
  • critical (i.e. show that you’re making an attempt to analyze the assumptions that inform the readings)
  • responsive (i.e. show that you’re sensitive to the issues at hand and to other participants’ contributions)

Rule of thumb: All students should try to participate orally at least once in every class, but no more than 3 times/class.

In-class writing will include a variety of prompts, questions, and note-taking. This is low-stakes "writing for learning," and is generally graded credit/no-credit, though contributions that are not responsive to the prompt or don't display familiarity with assigned material may not receive full points. Please bring an internet-connected device—laptop, tablet, or phone—to class in order to participate.

Your lowest participation score will be dropped when your course grade is calculated.


If you know in advance that you will be absent from a class, please let me know.

If you are absent from a class, you can receive participation points for that class meeting by submitting written notes in response to the questions posted on Canvas for the day’s primary readings. Unless I have approved other arrangements in writing (email), notes must be sent within two days of the class in question. Send them via email as a Word attachment. Use your UW email. The email should be headed “463 Participation Notes for [date].” You can receive participation for emailed notes a maximum of twice during the term.

Class sessions will not be recorded. A PDF of any slides used in class will be posted to Canvas within a day of each class meeting. These slides will indicate the topics covered, but will not summarize the content of class discussions.