Quizzes (20%)
There will be three quizzes given during the term. Quizzes will given in class on Wednesday January 24 (Week 4) Monday January 29 (Week 5), Wednesday February 14 (Week 7), and Wednesday March 6 (Week 10). They will be given on paper, distributed at the beginning of the second hour of class (4:30 pm) and collected after 30 minutes.
The quizzes are information-focused, and meant to gauge your comprehension and retention of facts, claims, terms, names, dates, and concepts presented in the primary and secondary readings, pre-recorded lectures, and class sessions. The format will be a combination of multiple-choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer questions.
I will make a brief study guide available one week prior to each quiz. The best way to prepare for the quizzes is to regularly take and review notes on the assigned readings and pre-recorded lectures.
All three quizzes count towards your grade (no drops), and there are no make-ups for the quizzes.
Quiz 01 Study Guide Download Quiz 01 Study Guide