Texts and Readings

Prepare all readings prior to class and be ready to discuss them on the day for which they are assigned. Always have the day’s assigned primary readings available during class, either in hard copy or in an easily accessible (preferably annotatable) digital form. Reading questions for some readings are provided on Canvas; read with these questions in mind, take notes, and be prepared to discuss in class.

Assigned readings include primary readings (works of Chinese literature in English translation) and secondary readings (English-language scholarship about Chinese literature).

Primary readings for the course are available as PDF files or web-links on this Canvas site. You will find the relevant links on the assignment page for each class.

Required secondary readings are taken from the following two works:

  • Idema, Wilt, and Lloyd Haft. A Guide to Chinese Literature. Ann Arbor: Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan, 1997.
  • Zhang, Yingjin. A Companion to Modern Chinese Literature. Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons, 2016.

You are encouraged to read further in both primary sources and secondary materials. Suggestions for further reading can be found in both Idema & Haft and Zhang Yingjin, and I will be happy to make further suggestions.

You are also welcome and encouraged to look at Chinese texts of our primary materials. However, you must refer to the assigned English versions in class discussion and must be prepared to recognize and refer to the English versions in quizzes and written assignments.