April 10, 100-word response due at the time of class: Iliad 14
- Due Apr 10, 2024 by 11:30am
- Points 5
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
- Available Apr 8, 2024 at 12am - May 31, 2024 at 11:59pm
Write a 100-word minimum response to the following prompt based on the reading for today Your answer may be informal and exploratory, but should be grounded in the text itself. In addition to answering the prompt, you are welcome to use this space to briefly record your reactions, thoughts, and/or questions about the content of the reading. The deadline for submitting this response is 11:30 on the day of class.
Book 14 contains one of the most famous divine scenes in the Iliad: Hera’s seduction of Zeus on the peak of Mt. Gargaros (starting ca. 16.140 in Alexander's translation). The description of their flower-bed and the golden cloud that covers Zeus as he sleeps with Hera in his arms is beautiful, but what is it doing in the poem? Is it anything more than a diversion? What do you make of this divine digression either on its own or in connection with the events on the battlefield?