May 1 100-word response due at the time of class: the Nekyia
DueMay 1, 2024 by
Submittinga text entry box or a file upload
Apr 29, 2024 at 12am - May 31, 2024 at 11:59pm
This assignment was locked May 31, 2024 at 11:59pm.
Write a 100-word minimum response to the following prompt. Your answer may be informal and exploratory, but should be grounded in the text itself. In addition to answering the prompt, you are welcome to use this space to briefly record your reactions, thoughts, and/or questions about the content of the reading. The deadline for submitting this response is 11:30 on the day of class.
The explicit reason for Odysseus’ journey to the underworld in Book 11 (the ‘Nekyia’) is to learn how to get home from a dead seer, but that conversation forms only a brief part of the account. What broader functions does the Nekyia serve within the narrative?
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Can't change a rubric once you've started using it.