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When you make a film, you need more than just actors and a camera. You need an audience, a screenwriter, a director, and an editor, and that’s just the start. Making a movie and sharing it with the world is a collaborative process and each role on a film set impacts the result of the film. This portfolio will match the roles on a film set to the respective four outcomes of English 111. Like the roles on a film set, the outcomes of an essay all work together to make a beautiful essay.

Outcome one focuses on the audience of the essay which matches perfectly with the audience of a film. Both outcome and role dictate the genre and diction of their respective pieces. I revised my Short Assignment 1 for outcome one, because its prompt was to create a podcast script and podcasts must cater to and know their audiences.

Outcome two focuses on the researching and obtaining of evidence for an essay which compares to a screenwriter researching and obtaining evidence for a film’s script. Both outcome and role require inquiry and close reading to support the goals of their pieces. I revised my Major Project 1 for outcome one, because I had to use multiple forms of researching and obtaining evidence to compare the themes and patterns of “The Summer Solciste” and “Stone Mattress.”

Outcome three focuses on solidifying and crafting a sound argument which compares to a director on a film set directing their image of what the film is arguing for. Both outcome and role require emphasizing stakes and persuading the audience towards the goal of their pieces. I revised my Short Assignment 2 for outcome three because its prompt was to create a proposal, which is all about appealing to stakes and persuading the audience to agree with your argument.

Outcome four focuses on revising and editing which perfectly compares to an editor for a film. Both outcome and role strive for clarity and bringing the final piece to life. I chose to revise my short assignment 3 because I took a risk in the informality of the piece and wanted to make sure that my argument was still clear despite my style of informality.

In striving for each of these outcomes in my revisions through this English portfolio, I was able to express my growth as a writer in the ten/eleven weeks of English 111. I thought English 111 was going to be an easy A since I had already taken college preparatory English courses in high school. I was wrong, it ended up requiring effort which made me grow as a writer. Specifically, I have grown in strengthening my ability to know my audience, in evaluating evidence, in learning how to build a complex claim, and in discovering the method of CABRAL as a revising tool.

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