Introduction to my Portfolio

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Hi and welcome to my ENGL111 portfolio for autumn of 2021! 

Hey, I know this opening is kind of boring and probably not interesting at all. But, trust me, I’m going to make this UNIQUE. 

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“Ring...ring...ring” It’s 7:30 am. I’m in a rush to get prepared for my first class of the first quarter of college life. A new chapter of life. Just a little more information about me, I’m a first-year undergraduate student who just got accepted into the University of Washington. I’m really excited to start my journey at the UW. I’m currently live off-campus which means that I have to take the bus to get to campus. Anyway, I’m about to be late. The bus is coming in three minutes. 

I’m not a morning person as always, it is extremely hard for me to get out of my bed. Unfortunately, I thought my class starts at 8 am, but when I get there, there is only one person in the classroom. Then I find a place to sit down and check my schedule, I notice that my class doesn't start until 8:30.  

However, I’m still really excited to start my college with English 111 in-person which is going to prepare me for the next three years of writing classes. After going through the syllabus in class, I understand that this course will help me to better shape my opinions and arguments, as well as to use rhetorical situations more effectively. The syllabus mentions the phrase “better writer” several times which helps me to make sure the goal after this course is to greatly improve my writing skills. 

ENGL111 is a class that has a clear and reasonable structure. This section of ENGL111 is mainly about monsters which sounds very interesting to me. We have a 5-minute free write at the beginning of the class then move on to group discussion which focuses on the text we are assigned to read every week. Since this is a small class, I get to know everyone’s opinions from different perspectives during class discussions which really help me to think about a certain topic. 

English is always a subject I’m not good at because my ideas in an essay used to be all over the place. I used to be stuck at the introduction of an essay and spend a lot of time getting started on a topic as well as for deciding what topic I’m going to write about. Therefore, I hope that I am able to demonstrate my thoughts clearly throughout the course. When I heard there’s a final portfolio that is due at the end of the quarter, I know it’s time for me to show my ideas and how I have improved as a writer, more than just a student. 

This portfolio contains four of the pieces that I wrote since the beginning of this autumn quarter. The four pieces I chose to revise are short assignments 1-3 and major project 2. In order to meet all the requirements for each outcome, I will use my short assignment 2 to pair up with outcome 1 in the final portfolio. My short assignment 1 will be used to demonstrate outcome 2 and short assignment 3 will be used to demonstrate outcome 3. Last but not least, I will share my major project 2 for outcome 4. I believe I will gain a better understanding of how to write for various audiences, deliver a message, and integrate multiple elements while targeting the four outcomes. 

Lifestyles are various, but everyone will go through the four stages of life while developing themselves. Today, as we go through these four outcomes, I will be showing the four stages of life.  

Stage 1: imitation and education 

Stage 2: exploration and self-discovery 

Stage 3: dedication and commitment 

Stage 4: retirement and passing down the legacy 


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