Course Syllabus

BIME 554A Biomedical Information Interactions and Design

Tuesday/Thursday 1:30-3:20pm



Annie T. Chen, PhD

Assistant Professor

Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education


Course Location:



Course Description:

This course introduces the theoretical frameworks and research methodologies that underpin the study of human-information interactions and the design of technology to support or enhance those interactions.  The course will emphasize how findings from studies of information behavior can be used to inform and improve the design of information systems in biomedical contexts.  It will cover a variety of design methodologies.  Examples will be drawn from clinical informatics, personal health informatics, public health informatics, and bioinformatics.


Learning Objectives:

The objectives for this class are to help students learn to:

  • Understand the value of information interaction studies
  • Perform and assess information interaction studies
  • Create a user-centered design of an information system
  • Understand the main user-centered design methodologies
  • Use a variety of design methods
  • Design and critically assess user-centered evaluation plans for an information system 


Course Schedule


Course Expectations:

This course is intended to provide students an opportunity to learn techniques for the design and development of interactive systems, and to have the opportunity to apply the techniques that they are learning to biomedical contexts. Participating actively will enrich your own as well as others’ exploration.

Your attendance and participation are critical to your success in this class. Please read the readings that have been assigned for each class session prior to coming to class and be ready to discuss them. You may want to think about questions that you need clarification on, issues that you would like to discuss with your classmates, and how you might be able to apply the material to your interests/work. This will ensure that you comprehend and retain the material. If you have any problems understanding anything that we cover, I encourage you to raise those questions or approach me outside of class.

Students are expected to come to class and arrive on time. Please let me know if you are not going to be in class. Repeated absences or tardiness will affect your participation grade. You are welcome to use laptops for class-related activities.


Assignment Submission:

Please submit assignments as PDF files via Canvas. Please name each file that you submit using the following convention: LastName_AssignmentName, and ensure that your name appears in the document. For example, if your name were John Smith, you might turn in an ethnography assignment, “Smith_Ethnography.pdf”.

Assignments should be double-spaced in a standard 12-point font unless otherwise specified.  Please do not skip extra lines (for example, three or four lines) in between sections.

Please submit assignments on the due dates/times indicated for each on the syllabus. Late assignments will be penalized by 10% for each day they are late, up to a maximum of three days. Please discuss with me in advance if you will have a problem submitting an assignment on the day it is due.


Academic Integrity

I encourage you to discuss class material with other students, though the work that you submit should be your own individual work, in the case of an individual assignment; and the work of you and your group, in the case of a group assignment.

If you use material from other sources, please make sure that you give appropriate credit. Any citation format is fine, as long as it is consistent, but be prepared to direct me to a resource that explains the format you use if I don't recognize it. If you need clarification on how to cite sources appropriately, please feel free to come talk to me.

The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) is a useful resource on academic writing in general: For more information about academic responsibilities in general, please visit


Syllabus Changes

The syllabus may be revised throughout the semester. When there is a revision, I will make an announcement either in class or through a Canvas announcement. The current version will be available on Canvas.



The content of this course, including the assignments, has been partially based on course materials developed by Dr. Wanda Pratt, and the course materials and assignments for INLS 582 Systems Analysis, taught at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, by Drs. Stephanie W. Haas and David Gotz.  Thanks to all!


Course Summary:

Date Details Due