
This page should reflect the prerequisites that are required for your course. Edit the page to update or delete content. If there are no prerequisites, simply write "None" or un-publish and/or delete this page.

Note that prerequisites could be literal prerequisites (courses that must be completed before taking this one) or prerequisite knowledge to be successful in this course.


This is an upper division psychology course generally taken by juniors and seniors. As a result, I have some notable expectations about prerequisite knowledge for this course. 

1. REQUIRED: You must have either TPSYCH101 or PSYCH101 to register for the class. 

2. RECOMMENDED: This course involves a significant amount of reading and writing. You should feel comfortable reading psychology textbooks and journal articles. You should be able to write at an upper-division college level and be at minimum familiar with APA citation format. If you are not familiar with APA citation format, please visit OWL Purdue APA Tutorial Links to an external This site offers in-depth information on APA 6th ed. 

3. RECOMMENDED: The ability to read, analyze, synthesize and discuss psychological papers and concepts. 

4. USEFUL: Familiar with women's studies - including issues, perspectives, and historical background; an understanding of feminist concepts and theoretical concepts; and discussion-based engagement.