Minimum Technology Requirements and Skills

This page reflects the technical skills that are required for your course and assumes the use of Zoom for some class sessions. If you don't use Zoom you can remove that information.

If you use any third-party applications (such as Trello, Slack,  Facebook, Twitter, Blogger etc), you should consider adding this statement to your syllabus: 

This course incorporates various online software and other technologies.  Some technologies require you to either create an account on an external site or develop assignment content using them.  The content, as well as your name/username or other personally identifying information, may be publicly available as a result.  While the purpose of these assignments is to engage with technology as a means for representing the content we are covering in class, please see me to discuss your concerns and to learn about use of a pseudonym or to explore an alternative activity if you object to potentially sharing your account, name or other content you create in these technologies.

To participate successfully in this course you must have regular and reliable access to the Internet with bandwidth sufficient to use interactive websites.

You may access this Canvas LMS via computer or other Internet-accessible devices. The Canvas LMS has applications for smartphones and tablets, which are not required, but you might find them helpful.

For class video conference meetings using Zoom, you will need bandwidth sufficient to play multimedia like YouTube videos and a quiet environment to participate using audio and video.

If you cannot meet these requirements, you will be unable to participate in the class. However, if you meet those requirements, technical issues should not prevent you from succeeding. If you run into trouble, use the Getting Help page to request support!

While familiarity with Canvas is not required, the ability to use a computer, compose documents and communications, and interact with others in the online environment are critical.