Course Syllabus


COMMLD 560 C Syllabus Final (8).docx

Hello Everyone, 

My name is KD Hall and I am looking forward to spending this fall quarter with you in community, good health and a learning spirit! 

Everyday until next week I will leave a note!

Instructional Philosophy
My deep heartfelt desire in this process we call education is to assist you in the discovery of knowledge.
Therefore, I see my role as a guide and
facilitator rather than distiller of information. Education, therefore, is more than the
accumulation and acquisition of mere facts, but pertains to the examination of that territory we
call the “self,” imagination and our relationship with the others and the world. Like medicine,
education is an “art,” and I hope that together we can co-create a safe, respectful and
supported healing environment where each of you feel invited to participate in active, playful
and joyful discussion and self-reflection. Therefore, this class will have a large experiential
component to it, where we all “try on,” “play with” and “embody” the concepts being
discussed through the change management process. Let us practice the “art” of listening to one
another with non-judgment and unconditional positive regard.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due