Importing the UW Tacoma Template

It is recommended, but not required, that you import our course template for use with this course. The course template is intended to be imported into an EMPTY Canvas course site. If your course already has content, contact us to be set up with a "sandbox" non-course site to practice and build in.

The template provides an array of information to get you started, including a sequence of prep modules for your students and eleven weeks of content modules ready for you to customize and add to.

Students gave us positive feedback on this template. It provides a streamlined course organization and consistency. Using this template will also save you time eventually, and will help you meet suggested Quality Matters course guidelines. 

Here is an example of what the template looks like

If you have any questions about using the template, let us know!

Importing the Template

To import this template into your EMPTY course (or sandbox) site, you will import it from the Canvas Commons:

1. Navigate to the Canvas Commons using the link in the left-most toolbar

Commons Button

2. Search for "UWT modules" and select the course titled "UWT Modules Template 2020 Commons"

Searching the Commons

3. Click the Import/Download button

Import/Download Link

4. Select your empty course site from the list of courses and click Import Into Course

Select Course to Import

5. Navigate to your course which will (after a few minutes) have all the template content loaded.

It can take a few minutes to see the changes in your course. Be patient!

6. Get started

You are now ready to proceed with the rest of this course!