Preparing Your Students

Many of your students may be unfamiliar with online learning, so it's important to prepare them for both online learning in general and your course in particular.

The UWT Course Template provides two prep modules (sometimes referred to as "module zero") that you can customize for your course.

  • The first prep module [titled READ THIS FIRST in the template] has content providing general information and resources. It won't need much customization.

  • The second prep module  [READ THIS NEXT] will need more customization to work with your course.

The template has been constructed so that students must click through these two modules before they can access your course's main content.

This might seem like a lot of information to go through, and it's true that students can simply click through without paying much attention, but having these modules achieves a few ends:

  1. Your students will at least have some idea where these important resources are, so
  2. They cannot claim not to have at least seen it, and
  3. You have specific module pages to use when responding to  their inevitably repeated questions.

[Prep modules, as provided in the template, support QM Standards 1.1-1.8, 2.1, 3.2, 6.4, 7.1-7.4, and 8.6]