Canvas provides many places for your complete syllabus, and important individual sections of it, to reside.
The Canvas Syllabus Page
We recommend, as you can see in the course template, that you use the Syllabus page, accessible using the main navigation to the left, brief, providing there:
- A link to your complete syllabus (as a PDF file, Word document, or Canvas page)
- Your course's description, learning objectives, and format (how the course is delivered and attended)
The reason for keeping the information provided in the Syllabus page brief is to keep the automatically generated Course Summary on that page accessible without a lot of scrolling.
The Course Summary provides an automatically updated interactive list of assignments, due dates, events, and action items in the course. It is likely the main reason your students will return to the Syllabus page after the course has started.
Furthermore, your students will not only have the full syllabus available to them as a separate document or page, but they will also be exposed to the most important information as part of the prep modules!
Syllabus Resources
As you consider what is in your syllabus, you might find the UWT page on Required and Suggested Syllabi Service Statements useful.
For online courses, we strongly suggest linking to The e-Syllabus: Campus Information, Resources, Policies and Expectations page that provides links to services and resources that are useful for the online student.