Using Ally

Ally is a tool in Canvas that helps instructors check and remediate course content for greater accessibility. Ally also generates, where possible, alternative formats for documents and some other content types.

Ally works in two ways:

  1. As you add material to your course, you will see little dials next to graphics, files and some other content. If that dial is red, then the item has accessibility issues. If it is yellow, it is better, and if it is green it passes Ally's tests.
  2. From your course main menu (or on your Settings page), you will see an "Accessibility Report" link. This gives you an overview of your course's accessibility state, and links to all the items in your course Ally has checked for convenient access to improve them as needed.

The Ally Accessibility in Canvas site provides a basic overview of how to use Ally when building course content in Canvas.

Pay particular attention to:

  • What is Ally?, which explains what Ally does in more detail and contains a video on how to use it as an instructor
  • The Ally Remediation Cheat Sheet, which explains how to fix most of the issues that Ally might find in your course