Learning Lab: Add and Edit a New Page
- Due No Due Date
- Points 0
Objective |
- Create a new page in your course
- Edit the new page using built-in formatting and image embedding tools
Instructions |
Part 1 - Create a Page
Use one of the two methods below to create and begin editing a new Canvas page
Option 1: Add a New Page to a Module
Click the Add Item button associated with the module to which you are adding your new page (Remember that button; you will use it a lot!):
In the resulting dialog choose the "Page" type, click "[New Page]," and give your page a title:
The page will appear in your module list. You can use the handle to move it up or down in the module (or into another module).
When you are ready to edit the page, click the page title and use the Edit button at the top right to go into editing mode.
Option 2: Adding a new Page Using the Page Index
Alternatively, you can add your test page to the course without associating it with a module (you can do that later if you wish). To do this, use the Pages menu item in the left-hand course navigation and, on the resulting page, click the All Pages button:
Use the New Page button at the top left of the resulting All Pages Index to add your new page, and you will immediately be placed in the Page Editor.
Part 2 - Edit Your Page and Try Some Editing Functions
Your mission is to try out the most important Rich Text Editor functions, either by adding content to make your page look like the Page Editor Demo page or by using content of your own.
In any case, edit the page to include demonstration of the following functions:
- Plain, bold, and italic text
- Indented, left, right, centered text
- Headers of at least two levels
- Bulleted and numbered lists
- Link to an external page Links to an external site.
- Link to page or other item in your course Links to an external site.
- Embedded image Links to an external site.
Most of these should be familiar from your experience using other word processors or text editing tools. But if you run into trouble, try the links in the list above and, if those don't work, ask for help.