Copyright and Fair Use

One of the best things you can do to instill good habits of academic integrity in learners is to model academic integrity yourself. As instructors, we need to make sure that we are adequately attributing the work of others and respecting the copyright of the materials we use in class.

Things to do when building your online class

Intellectual Property Statement

The course template we provide includes, as part of the "Student Integrity and Academic Standards" affirmation, the following text. If you don't use the template, you might want to include this text, or something similar, in your course:

Intellectual Property

The instructor’s intellectual property rights and the privacy of all course participants must not be violated by students at UW Tacoma.

Students may not share course materials with non-class members without explicit written permission from the course instructor. Harassment or bullying of instructors and students, including via electronic media, the internet, social networks, blogs, cell phones, and text messages, will not be tolerated. Students found responsible for such infractions are subject to disciplinary sanctions. Students may not record any part of a class session without the express consent of the instructor, unless approved as a disability accommodation. Individual course instructors may record course sessions but only for use by registered class members for instructional purposes. All recordings will be housed on secure platforms authorized by UW.