Hybrid & Online Teaching Training Course

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This course remains available for archival purposes. It has been replaced by the tri-campus Teaching 101 course:

For questions, contact:

Chris Lott <clott@uw.edu>
UWT Office of Digital Learning

Teaching Hybrid and Online Courses Using Canvas

Asynchronous. Self-paced. Fully online.


Chris Lott, UW Tacoma Office of Digital Learning. See: Getting Help
Email: clott@uw.edu
Office Hours - consultations by appointment anytime!


Welcome! This self-paced course is designed to give you  a solid start in developing an engaging, pedagogically sound online or hybrid course in Canvas using best practices identified by Quality Matters, the Office of Digital Learning, and UW Tacoma faculty. All of you are coming into this course with various levels of expertise. We have designed it to meet the needs of all levels. The course is set up using Modules and the layout is as follows: 

  1. Set the Stage: An introduction to UW Tacoma policies, learning outcomes for this course and how to get help
  2. Prepare:  An overview of the UW Tacoma Canvas Course Template, and a quick tour of Canvas.
  3. Build: Why Quality Matters, hybrid course models, Accessibility, Universal Design, course organization (modules and pages), building curriculum, scaffolding, and chunking.
  4. Presence and Engagement: Strategies for building an inclusive online classroom, why presence is critical, and building peer connections.
  5. Assessment: Feedback and grading, analytics, quizzes, authentic/alternative assessment ideas, building rubrics. 
  6. Promoting Academic and Intellectual Integrity: A look at pedagogical strategies, technical strategies, and Fair Use. 
  7. Return to Accessibility: Using Ally, Course link validator
  8. Teach: Course Readiness checklist, Course delivery checklist

How to Get Started

To get started, or to continue in, this course, navigate to the Modules section and start at the topmost item, or wherever you left off last time.

How to Succeed in this Class

This course is designed to be self-paced for the independent learner. For the course to be most effective, we recommend:

  1. Don't skip any material, even if it's an area you have experience with...you might learn something new, or have suggestions for us!
  2. Complete the Learning Labs. It's easy to read something, nod your head, and feel you understand it. It can be a very different experience applying that knowledge. The Learning Labs are designed to give you a hands-on experience building useful parts of your course.

Feedback, Comments or Questions?

We welcome your suggestions for improvement of this course, including corrections and additions. To let us know, or to get help at any time, use the methods outlined on the Getting Help page.


CC Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike This course content is offered under a CC Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike license. Content in this course can be considered under this license unless otherwise noted. Some module components have been modified from Canvas Network course CN-1379-ONLINEPED Links to an external site.


CC Attribution This course content is offered under a CC Attribution Links to an external site. license. Content in this course can be considered under this license unless otherwise noted.