Course Syllabus

Course Overview

Research and development of MEMS (microelectromechanical systems) builds on the continuing advances in silicon processing infrastructure to create micron-scale machines. Unlike conventional silicon integrated circuits, MEMS devices can have many functions, including sensing, communication, and actuation. Just like microelectronics, MEMS technology is permeating our everyday lives. This course is an introduction to this exciting field. It covers a wide range of topics including bulk and surface micromachining, mechanical and electrical analysis, MEMS design and layout, fabrication processes, MEMS applications such as microactuator arrays for "smart surfaces", biosensors for medical application, and inertial transducers for navigation.

The course usually includes a cleanroom session at the Washington Nanofabrication Facility on the UW campus, but due to current social distancing limitations, this session will be offered as a virtual tour in Spring 2021. There will be bi-weekly homeworks, a midterm exam and a final project. The text book is Chang Liu, Foundations of MEMS (2nd edition). Other useful books are Marc Madou, Fundamentals of Microfabrication: The Science of Miniaturization; Stephen D. Senturia, Microsystem Design, and Gregory T.A. Kovacs, Micromachined Transducers Sourcebook.

Prequisites: This class covers a broad set of topics in multiple engineering disciplines but does not have specific course requirements.

Credits: 4

Instructor: Prof. Karl F. Böhringer, Electrical Engineering, and guest instructors

Course Grading: 4 homeworks (34%), 1 midterm exam (open book/notes) (33%), 1 project (33%).

Projects: The class project is a small scale research project that investigates aspects in MEMS design, modeling, simulation, fabrication, or testing. A project team typically consists of 4 students. A short proposal is due in week 3. The proposal will be used to check the approach and feasibility of the project. A final write-up (short conference paper style) is due at the end of the class. Papers of exceptional quality may be considered for submission to a conference, for example the IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems or the International Conference on Solid-state Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems.

Topics to be covered in the lectures:

  • Introduction - history of MEMS, market for MEMS, properties of silicon, basics of microtechnology - definitions and terminology
  • A sample MEMS process; micromachining - lithography
  • Micromachining - subtractive processes (wet and dry etching)
  • Micromachining - additive processes (thin film deposition, plating)
  • MEMS foundries: MUMPs, CMOS MEMS
  • Electrostatic actuators: cantilevers, comb drives
  • Thermal sensing and actuation: “chevron actuator”, “heatuator”, biomimetic cilia
  • Piezoresistive and piezoelectric transducers: gauge factor, piezoresistive pressure sensors and accelerometers; scanning probe microscopy
  • Magnetic actuation: magnetic fields, Lorentz force, micro-coils, magnetic actuators
  • Polymer MEMS: LIGA, SU-8, Parylene PDMS
  • Scaling laws for MEMS
  • Optical MEMS: refraction, diffraction, MOEMS components; digital mirror display (DMD); grating light valve (GLV), optical scanners
  • MEMS packaging
  • Cleanroom laboratory tour (not offered in Spring 2020)

Privacy/FERPA Statement

This course is scheduled to run synchronously at your scheduled class time via Zoom. These Zoom class sessions will be recorded. The recording will capture the presenter’s audio, video and computer screen. Student audio and video will be recorded if they share their computer audio and video during the recorded session. The recordings will only be accessible to students enrolled in the course to review materials. These recordings will not be shared with or accessible to the public.

The University and Zoom have FERPA-compliant agreements in place to protect the security and privacy of UW Zoom accounts. Students who do not wish to be recorded should:

  • Change their Zoom screen name to hide any personal identifying information such as their name or UW Net ID, and
  • Not share their computer audio or video during their Zoom sessions.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due