Course Syllabus
Prof. Margaret O’Mara (she/her/hers) - University of Washington - Spring 2021
Welcome! This is an undergraduate seminar considering an extraordinary single year in American history, 1968, and the social, political, and economic transformations it wrought.
A full syllabus is here. Course policies are here. To contact the professor directly, click here.
Quick links to readings and assignments, week by week:
Week One - the Tet Offensive and the American war in Vietnam
Week Two - McCarthy, Johnson and the remaking of the Democratic Party
Week Three - Martin Luther King, Jr., urban uprisings, and racial justice & injustice
Week Four - youth movements and the counterculture
Week Five - Nixon's makeover, Wallace's rage, and the changing Republican Party
Week Six - "the whole world is watching"
Week Seven - freeway revolts and technological revolts
Week Eight - the broader fight for liberation: radical feminism, the Chicano movement, and more
Week Nine - Merry Christmas from the Moon
Week Ten - the legacies of 1968
Exam Week - final research paper
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |