Course Syllabus


Welcome to English 302, The Object(ive)s of Literature.  This is a course about literature and theories of the object.  Here is a brief summary of the course linked to the weekly modules.  By clicking the links you can see each week broken down into reading and writing assignments.  Here is a copy of the syllabus if you want to print it out:   English 302 Syllabus Autumn 2021-2.docx


Course Information

Week One:  Introduction

Week Two:  The Gift

Week Three:  The Fetish

Week Four:  The Transitional Object

Week Five:  Writing About Literature

Week Six:  The Thing

Week Seven: The Museum of Garbage

Week Eight:  The Work of Art

Week Nine:  Writing About Literature (again)

Week Ten:  Summing Up

Week Eleven:  Conferences