Course Syllabus

Biopower. Frameworks of Citizenship and Health 
(ANTH 452)

Autumn 2021

Mondays & Wednesdays 8:30-10:20am

DEN 113

Course Description 

Learn about practices and discourses concerning claims on state recognition as part of a citizenship process that demands re-formulation of structural health policies. Examine the role of patients-citizens, their engagements in health policymaking, and their participation in contested biosocial spaces. Study the link between the state and emerging biological citizenship regimes, and the influence of civil society in health policy and reform by looking at the political process involved in the configuration of rights claims based on biological differences.

*** This class is conducted in-person.  
Students are expected to participate in class to fully benefit from course activities and meet the course’s learning objectives.  Students should only register for this class if they are able to attend in-person.  To protect their fellow students, faculty, and staff, students who feel ill or exhibit possible COVID symptoms should not come to class. When absent, it is the responsibility of the student to inform the instructor in advance (or as close to the class period as possible in the case of an unexpected absence), and to request appropriate make-up work as per policies established in the syllabus.  What make-up work is possible, or how assignments or course grading might be modified to accommodate missed work, is the prerogative of the instructor.  For chronic absences, the instructor may negotiate an incomplete grade after the 8th week, or recommend the student contact their academic adviser to consider a hardship withdrawal (known as a Registrar Drop).

Course Learning Outcomes 
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 

1.Gain theoretical and empirical knowledge of biological citizenship.
2.Critically analyze global health research on the topic.
3.Develop research questions and conduct original research on the topic.

Course structure 

Except for weeks 0 and 10, the structure of the class will be the same every week. Our meetings will begin with an introductory presentation by the instructor on the major theme of the week.  On Mondays, the lecture will focus on the readings’ main arguments and contributions. 

On Wednesdays, there will be a general class discussion and small group work where students will analyze case studies that illustrate the reading’s main points.

Students will present their final paper draft during week 10 (Monday and Wednesday).  
All students will have to provide feedback to other students’ presentations (comments, questions, etc.)

Lectures won’t be recorded.

Students who are not able to join lectures, are expected to complete the in-class work and attend office hours to receive feedback.

Summary of Course Assessments

Weekly responses          25% 

Chernobyl analysis          20%

Class presentation         20%

Final paper                       35% 

ANTH 452 BioPower Frameworks of citizenship AU2021 syllabus.pdf 

Course Summary:

Date Details Due