Course Syllabus

History brings the past into our present by way of language, and much of that language is written. Working in history will give you a chance to practice your own writing and compositions skills. ENGL 198 is a small, five-credit writing class linked to Professor Jim Gregory’s course, HSTAA 105: The Peoples of the United States. In this course, students will develop academic writing skills both in a broad sense and specifically in the discipline of history. While this course is closely linked to HSTAA 105, the goal is not just to help you perform better in that class, but to develop skills in academic writing that will remain useful in any discipline. Further, understanding how history shapes our own lives allows us take actions that are meaningful to ourselves and to the wider world. Students will practice skills that reflect the historic (in both senses!) values of accuracy, fairness, ethical decision-making, and engaging storytelling. Through individual and collaborative exercises, students will work to refine skills in critical reading, research, writing, and composition. The past will take on new meaning in our present as students examine the history of the United States and cultivate an understanding of their own roots.


Course Summary:

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