Course Syllabus

POLS550_AmericanCore_SJW_Winter 2022.pdf

Course Overview

This course is a broad overview of the field of American Politics across a range of topics and methodological approaches. A considerable amount of time in the course will be spent engaging and discussing the scholarly work on American political institutions and political behavior. Themes throughout the course include representation, power, influence, and identities. The goals of the course are to familiarize students with both canonical works and newer approaches to the field, augment students’ ability to assess methodologies and evidence presented and utilized by the authors we read, and help prepare students for the comprehensive exam in American Politics.


Course Requirements:

  1. Write two critical response memos
  2. Regular participation in seminar
  3. Attend class every week
  4. Author Presenter role once in the quarter
  5. Assume Authors’ Defendant role once in the quarter
  6. Take-Home Exam or Review Essay

Course Summary:

Date Details Due