Course Syllabus

Prof. Alex Hollmann (

SAV 140 M-F 1.30-2.20

Office hours: W 3.30-4.30 (in person at Denny 262E or by Zoom) or by appt

Welcome to Greek 103! Students joining this course will typically have taken Greek 101 and 102 (or the equivalent thereof) or will have completed the accelerated course, Greek 300.

We continue working through Anne Groton's From Alpha to Omega, resuming at Lesson 35

First year Ancient Greek courses give you direct access to the thoughts and writings of the ancient Greeks and allow you to explore the dynamic and often dangerous cultural, social and political world in which they wrote. Learning to interpret and use an ancient language requires you to explore unknown areas and think in new ways. Our focus is on Greek as a literary language. Course activities are designed to foster a collegial and collaborative atmosphere and to encourage you to make strong connections between the ancient language and literature we are exploring together and your other interests, passions and pursuits.

 Course Goals:

Through your work in the course you will demonstrate that you can: 

  • Read and translate selections from ancient Greek authors and compose simple sentences in Greek.
  • Understand and explain the literary, historical and cultural context of texts by ancient Greek authors
  • Analyze and explain Greek grammar and syntax
  • Analyze and describe the influence of the Greek language on subsequent languages and literatures

By completing the first year sequence through 103 you equip yourself to read any Greek author. In our second year courses (304, 305, 306, 307) students read selections of Xenophon (305), Plato (306), and Homer (307), and other authors (304).



Lessons 18-34 of From Alpha to Omega, Anne H. Groton (4th ed.). You will also need 46 Stories in Classical Greek, Anne H. Groton, James M. May. You may also find Jon Bruss, From Alpha to Omega: Ancillary Exercises. 2nd ed useful for extra practice.


Course Grade Components 

Homework (online submission)       30%

Quizzes (Fridays of Weeks 2, 4, 6, 8) online submission) 40%

Final assessment  (cumulative, online submission) 30%

Chart used to convert percentages to GPA here

Course remarks

-Reading and Homework is due on the day assigned, e.g. “Th Jan. 7 HW: p. 121 Gr.-Eng. 1-5, Eng.-Gr. 5. Read p. 122 “Chat with a Cat” means you should come to class on Th. Jan. 7 having completed to the best of your ability the specified exercises on p. 121 and having read to the best of your ability the reading on p. 122.

-If you are required to submit any of this work, this will also be specified and an assignment link given with a due date.

Schedule (will be updated as needed)

Week 1: Lesson 35: Subjunctive. Lesson 36: Optative

M March 28 Read pp. 243–248. Powerpoint here

T March 29 HW: p. 249 1,3,4,5,7,8,10. Submit here

W March 30 Prepare p. 250 “The Athenians Go Too Far—Part 2”

Th March 31 Read pp.253–259. Powerpoint here

F April 1 Prepare p. 261 “The Athenians Go Too Far—Part 3”


Week 2: Lesson 36 continued. Lesson 37: Conditions

M April 4 HW: p. 260 1,3,4,6, E to G 1,2. Submit here

T April 5 Read pp. 263–265. Powerpoint here

W April 6 HW: p. 267 1,3,5,7,9,10. Submit here

Th April 7 We will read "Doing His Best to Be a Pest" in 46 Stories, p. 66.

F April 8 1st quiz here. No class


Week 3: Lesson 38: Conditional relative clauses; relative adverbs. Lesson 39: Purpose clauses

M April 11 Read pp. 271–274 Powerpoint here

T April 12 HW: pp. 275–6 1–6, 8. E to G 4. Submit here

W April 13 Read pp. 279–281 Powerpoint here

Th April 14 HW p. 282 1,2,5,6,8,10. E to G 1. Submit here

F April 15 Prepare reading: p. 284 "Justifiable Homicide" Part 1. We also read part of the gospel of Matthew 26:17ff (Passover and the Last Supper)


Week 4 Lesson 40: εἶμι; indirect discourse with ὅτι ὡς. Lesson 41: φημί; indirect discourse with infinitive

M April 18 Read pp. 285–290 Powerpoint here

T April 19 HW p. 291 1,2,5,9,10 E to G 3 (just translate verbs if you like). Submit here

W April 20 Read pp. 295–299 Powerpoint here

Th April 21 HW 1,2,7,10. Submit here. Prepare reading: p. 292 "Justifiable Homicide" Part 2

F April 22 2nd quiz here. No class


Week 5 Lesson 42: Indirect discourse with participle; crasis. Lesson 43: More uses of infinitive; πρίν

M April 25 Read pp. 303–308 Powerpoint here

T April 26 HW pp. 308–309 1,3,4,5,6,8,9. Submit here

W April 27 Read pp. 313–317 Powerpoint here

Th April 28 HW pp. 317–318 1–3,5-7,9. Submit here

F April 29 Prepare reading "Laws Worth Listening To", p. 74 in 46 Stories in Classical Greek. We also read NT Matthew 17:14ff (healing of epileptic)


Week 6 Lesson 44: Verbal adjectives in -τέος, -τός. Lesson 45: Clauses of effort and fear

M May 2 Read pp. 321–326. Powerpoint here

T May 3 HW p. 326 1,2,4,6,9,10;  E to G 2 (just verbs if you like). Submit here

W May 4 Read pp. 329–332. Powerpoint here

Th May 5 HW p. 333 1,2,5,6,8 Submit here

We looked at breastfeeding in Plato, Republic 462c-d and examples of clause of effort: here

F May 6 3rd quiz here. No class


Week 7 Lesson 46: μι verbs (δίδωμι, ἵστημι). Lesson 47: μι verbs (τίθημι, ἵημι)

M May 9 Read pp. 337–342 Powerpoint here

We met by Zoom: recording accessible under Zoom tab

T May 10 HW p. 343 1,3,6,7,8,9,10 Submit here

W May 11 Read pp. 347–352 Powerpoint here

Th May 12 HW pp. 351–2 1,2,4,5,6,7,9 Submit here

(we also looked at this speech by Demosthenes)

F May 13 Prepare reading on p. 344 "The Perfect Polis? — Part 1". If you can, try to prepare reading on p.352 "The Perfect Polis? — Part 2"


Week 8 Lesson 48: μι verbs (δείκνυμι); unattainable wishes. Lesson 49: βαίνω, γιγνώσκω; directional suffixes; acc. of respect

M May 16 Read pp. 355–358. Powerpoint here

T May 17 HW: p. 359  1–6, 8–10. Submit here

Some examples of ψυχή and of prolepsis we looked at together (Iliad 22 and Matthew 6)

W May 18 Read pp. 363–366. Powerpoint here

Th May 19 HW: p.366f.  1–4, 6–9. Submit here

F May 20 4th quiz here. No class


Week 9 Lesson 50: Redundant μή; uses of μὴ οὐ and οὐ μή; attraction of relative pronoun. Review

M May 23 Read pp. 371–375. Powerpoint here

T May 24 HW p. 375 2–5, 8–10. Submit here

W May 25 Accents: placement. [Read §15, pp. 10–11 on how to determine whether a syllable is long or short]. Review of 3rd declension nouns [reread Lessons 16 and 17]. Powerpoint here

Th May 26 Accents: types of accent [Read §14, p. 10 and "Two General Principles of Accenting", p.11]. Review of 3rd declension nouns cont'd [reread Lesson 29] Powerpoint here

F May 27 Reading: Luke 20 Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's Text here Vocab here


Week 10 Activities: Reading and Review

M May 30 Memorial Day: NO CLASS

T May 31 Read "Why the Wait?" (Plato, Phaedo 57a-58c) = p. 90 in 46 Stories in Classical Greek

W June 1 Continue reading "Why the Wait?"

Th June 2 We will read together Acts 17:17–34 (speech of Paul to Athenians). Vocab. here (distributed on paper in class too)

F June 3 Continue Acts 17:17–34. We read a few fragments of Sappho and Anacreon.


Week 11

T June 7 8.00 am Final assessment released

F June 10 5.00 pm Final assessment due. All outstanding HW to be submitted by same date and time.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due