Course Syllabus


Instructor: Diana Garcia-Snyder MFA, AWC
Time: TTH 12:30- 1:50 PM (Tuesdays MEB 248 and Thursdays MNY 266)
Section SLN: 21447

Contact: Please e-mail Diana through CANVAS e-mail.
Office Hours:  On Zoom by appointment. Use this link
Class meets at different classrooms: Tuesdays at MEB 248 and Thursdays at MNY 266).
Zoom: There will be some sessions conducted over Zoom, please use this link Commitment: Please arrive 5-10min before class starts to be able to enjoy the material 


Weekly Meeting Format:

Class will be at MEB 248  for lectures, discussions, conversation and watching dance
Thursdays: Class will be at MNY 266  movement explorations

Books needed:

Please make sure you have them by Tuesday April 5.

1. Hill, Gord. The 500 Years of Resistance Comic Book. Vancouver BC : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2021
New ($12) used ($1.75) Kindle ($9.99) ok 
Read it online for free from UW Library with your UW ID

2. Ehrenreich, Barbara. Dancing in the Streets: A History of Collective Joy. New York. Holt Paperbacks, 2006

New ($ 16.59), used ($ 3.25), kindle ($12.99) Audible (Free) with membership
Some paperback copies available at UW Libraries with your UW ID

General Description:  

This course explores the effects of colonization and migration on the practice, evolution, and representation of dance cultures and traditions in select regions of the world, with particular focus on embodied decolonization practices. 

Students are recommended to take DANCE 150 Introduction to Dance Studies (3) I&S/VLPA, which introduces to reading and writing dance scholarship, including study of how cultural, social, historical, aesthetic, and political issues intersect with dance practices in a variety of global contexts. 

Course includes lectures, reading, writing, watching dance, discussion, and movement explorations.

Full syllabus here 

Course Summary:

Date Details Due