Course Syllabus
This is ASTR 541: (Diffuse Matter in Space Not Limited to) The Interstellar Medium, cross-listed as ASTR 497B.
Detailed Syllabus is here: syllabus-fall2022.pdf Download syllabus-fall2022.pdf
We will discuss it in depth in our first class, September 28th in PAA 214 from 1:30pm - 2:50pm.
Quick Notes:
I've created a #ASTR 541-497-ISM-2022 channel for this class in the UW Astronomy Slack Workspace: Links to an external site.
I'll cross-post Canvas announcements to the Slack space for maximum visibility. In addition, I'll check both Canvas and Slack regularly for questions about content/course logistics. You can always email me too:
Videos (and associated readings) will be posted in Pages! Problems and Quizzes will be accessible as assignments.