Writing Assignment - Rose
- Due May 4, 2023 by 1:30pm
- Points 100
- Submitting a text entry box
- Available May 1, 2023 at 12am - May 7, 2023 at 8pm
Give an example of the advice that the Old Woman gives Fair Welcome
- OR –
Give an example of the advice that Friend gives the Lover
Describe the advice and explain what it reveals about gender assumptions and relations between the sexes in the thirteenth century. Do we have the same assumptions now, or have they changed?
The purpose of these assignments is to demonstrate that you've done the reading and learned something from it. You should make sure to address all parts of the question and provide specifics like names, places, and context in your answers.
100% - addresses all parts of the question and provides details like names, places, and context.
90% - addresses all parts of the question, but may lack some detail -OR- provides great detail but does not answer part of the question.
80% - answer is correct, but vague, one or more parts of the question may be unanswered.
70% - answer is very vague and multiple parts of the question are unanswered.
50% - I suspect that you read the source, but your answer totally lacks detail and doesn't demonstrate that you learned anything from the reading.
0% - It's clear that you didn't read the source, or you didn't turn in a writing assignment.
As a reminder, everyone is allowed to miss one writing assignment without penalty.