
Find Rubric
Keep in mind that 67 students have already been assessed using this rubric. Changing it will affect their evaluations.
Grading Rubric
Grading Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
Integration, Synthesis, and Demonstrated Understanding of Course Materials
(1) The essay does a good job of fully responding to the prompt and constructs significant links between course content (quotes from readings, critical concepts) and examples from the blog research.
(2) At least three critical concepts from class are adequately and accurately defined and described, drawing from course materials. Please identify them in your opening paragraph to alert us where you are putting your focus.
(3) The critical concept(s) are clearly and effectively applied in the analysis of the blog content.
threshold: pts
10 pts
Construction of a Thoughtful and Critical Ethnographic Analysis
(1)The student demonstrates engagement with the material and a thoughtful analysis or critique of the health/nutrition blog culture they chose to focus on.
(2) The essay addresses some of the issues outlined in Step 3 (see bullet points) of the assignment prompt.
(3) The student effectively uses examples and/or quotes, where appropriate, to support arguments and make connections between blog content and course concepts.
threshold: pts
10 pts
Structure, Flow of Argument, Spelling, and Grammar
(1) There is a clear structure to the essay and the argument is easy to follow.
(2) Paragraphs and sentences flow logically from one to the next.
(3) Quotes and examples from outside sources are appropriately cited in text and bibliography is provided.
(4) Paper is appropriately formatted.
(5) Paper is free of typos, spelling and grammar errors.
threshold: pts
5 pts
Total Points: 25 out of 25