Course Syllabus

The complete Syllabus for Winter 2024 can be found here Download here.

Course Overview:

This course will provide a general survey of Latino/a/x politics in the United States. As of July 2022, the Latino population is estimated to be 63.7 million people and Latinos comprise 19.1% of the national population. The purpose of the course is to learn about both the history of Latinos in the U.S. and the political processes they have taken part in.  The course will also examine the “Latino Vote” and examine the impact of Latino voters on recent campaigns and elections. A significant segment of the course will focus on the policy process and examine the interaction of Latinos with other political actors and groups. For example, legislation aimed at immigrants and Latinos more broadly such as Arizona’s SB1070 and the DREAM Act. The course will also include topics such as social movements, political imagery, public opinion, and political representation. Finally, this course will utilize films, podcasts, political cartoons, and art related to various themes in the course.

Required Books & Course Materials: There are no required books for purchase in this course. All course readings and materials are available on Canvas.

Course Requirements:

This course is an upper division course with both lecture and section. Students are required to write two (5-7 pg.) papers, participate in an in-class debate, and take a cumulative final exam. All components of the course must be completed to receive a passing grade in the course.

The due dates/exam dates are as follows:

                                     Due Date

In-Class Debate          1/24/24

Paper #1                      1/29/24

Paper # 2                     2/28/24

Final Exam                   3/12/24


Course Summary:

Date Details Due