Week 5
- Due Feb 1, 2024 by 11:59pm
- Points 100
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
- Available Jan 27, 2024 at 12am - Feb 3, 2024 at 11:59pm
While reading the Song of Roland (Skim the introduction and read the entire poem), think about the following questions:
Reading Guide:
- The Song of Roland is a completely fictionalized account of an 8th century battle, so what can we learn from reading it?
- What values does The Song of Roland celebrate (what do the knights most want to achieve and what do they want to avoid)? What can the representation of the past in the Song of Roland tell us about 11th century concerns?
- What does chivalry look like in this text? Who exhibits it?
- What is Roland's relationship with his step-father Ganelon like? What about Roland's relationships with his uncle, Charlemagne, and his best friend, Oliver?
- What roles do the clergy play in this text? Who is Archbishop Turpin and what is he doing?
- What roles do women play in this text?
- How are Muslims (Saracens) and Islam portrayed? How are Christians portrayed? How is God portrayed?
- How does Charlemagne make important decisions (e.g. to go to war, to hold Ganelon accountable, etc.)? What does justice look like?
Writing Assignment:
After you finished reading the book, imagine you are making a movie version of the Song of Roland. Which actors would you cast as Roland, Oliver, Turpin, Charlemagne, Ganelon, and Marsile? Explain why you have chosen each specific actor for the part you have assigned them (what is it about the actor that you think makes them a good fit for the character they would play?) You need to read the book in order to have a good understanding of the characters. Integrate specific details from the book in justifying your actor choices.