Sun dials, etc.
- Due Jan 14 by 11:59pm
- Points 10
- Submitting a media recording or a file upload
- Available after Jan 4 at 12am
1) Find a sun dial, solar date, or analemma.
Find a sundial, solar date or analemma and take a selfie with it. Lists of places to find sundials (1, 2), or solar date devices such as Mt Baker Ridge viewpoint. Most towns will have at least one, though often hidden at a park or school (such as a great one in Tacoma)
2) Clearly explain in words how to use your device and how the earth's motion explains how it works. It may help to annotate your pictures. For better sun dials ~1 minute precision is possible. The writing expectation is that you could hand your HW to a roommate or friend not in this class, and they would understand both how to accurately read the time from your selected sundial and why it works.