March 27 100-word response due by the time of class: Gilgamesh 1
- Due Mar 27, 2024 by 11:59pm
- Points 5
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
- Available Mar 25, 2024 at 12pm - May 31, 2024 at 11:59pm
Write a 100-word minimum response to the following prompt based on the reading for today (Gilgamesh 1-53, tablet I-VI). Your answer may be informal and exploratory, but should be grounded in the text itself. In addition to answering the prompt, you are welcome to use this space to briefly record your reactions, thoughts, and/or questions about the content of the reading. The deadline for submitting this response is 11:30 on the day of class.
Prompt: What kind of person is Enkidu? Feel free to choose any of the following questions to focus on.
- What makes him a match for Gilgamesh?
- What company does he initially keep and how does he treat them? What do you make of that?
- What role does in play in the fight against Humbaba? what does it tell you about him?
- What kind of a relationship does Enkidu have with Gilgamesh?