Course Syllabus

Hip Hop Sexuality.png

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Hip Hop has often been the subject of controversy when it comes to sexuality. Whether it be for misogynist lyrics, homophobic icons or explicit video models, conversations about sexuality and Hip Hop are largely portrayed as having two sides: those who embrace Hip Hop and the "sexuality police." In this class we will explore how conversations about sexuality happen within the communities who are invested in the culture. We will examine how different facets of the culture -- fashion, dance, music, film as well as rap music, engage sexuality and sexual identity and how these representations impact U.S. popular culture.


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(Updated 4.15.24)

Hip Hop Feminism / What happened before 2010 Playlist

Reading Material:

Colonize This! Readings

Words.Beats.Life 4.2

Davis, Angela Y. “I Used to Be Your Sweet Mama." 

Carby, Hazel V. “It Jus Be’s Dat Way Sometime: The Sexual Politics of Women’s Blues.”

Kitwana, Bakari. “The New Black Youth Culture.” 

Course Summary:

Date Details Due