
Find Rubric
Keep in mind that 76 students have already been assessed using this rubric. Changing it will affect their evaluations.
Papers (including Creative Topics)
Papers (including Creative Topics)
Criteria Ratings Pts
Thesis Statement
N/A - Thesis statements are not required for the creative assignments
A - Excellent (strong, original thesis)
B - Good (strong, clear thesis)
C - Needs Help
□ unclear thesis
□ hidden thesis (you have one but you never state it)
□ thesis in conclusion; move it to introduction
D - Poor (little attempt to form a thesis)
F - Absent (no thesis)
threshold: pts
0 pts
A - Excellent (keeps a sharp focus on the topic)
B - Good (focuses on the topic most of the time, but strays a little)
C - Needs Help (strays from the topic to discuss irrelevant subjects)
D - Poor (fails to address a substantial portion of the topic; grade drops to a D)
F - Absent (fails to address any part of the assigned topic; grade drops to an F)
threshold: pts
0 pts
A - Excellent (explains and defends the thesis in an orderly, logical way; the reasoning and the relation among the writer’s ideas is clear)
B - Good (explains and defends the thesis in an orderly, logical way, but leaves some reasoning or ideas needing further development or clarification)
C - Needs Help (imposes some order on the presentation but does not make the relation among ideas and facts clear enough to be coherent)
D - Poor (wanders from idea to idea without explaining the relation among ideas; grade drops to a D)
F - Absent (supplies no pertinent argument; grade drops to an F)
threshold: pts
0 pts
Use of Evidence
A - Excellent (provides evidence from readings to support all assertions and conclusions)
B - Good (provides evidence to support most conclusions and assertions, but some conclusions or assertions need more support)
C - Needs Help
□ presents some evidence to support conclusions, but leaves significant gaps
□ Too many direct quotes, paraphrase whenever possible
□ Some evidence does not support assertions
D - Poor (fails in several significant instances to support assertions with evidence; grade drops to a D)
F - Absent (supplies no evidence to support assertions; grade drops to an F)
threshold: pts
0 pts
N/A - Analysis is not required for the creative assignments
A - Excellent (all evidence is analyzed)
B - Good (some evidence needs more analysis)
C - Needs Help
□ Too many quotes, not enough analysis
D - Poor (fails to provide analysis of most evidence; grade drops to a D)
F - Absent (supplies no analysis of evidence; grade drops to an F)
threshold: pts
0 pts
Complexity of Argument
A - Excellent (shows critical thinking and an appreciation for the complexity of the subject)
B - Good (contains an occasional oversimplification)
C - Needs Help (does not show adequate awareness of the complexity of the subject)
D - Poor (contains numerous, serious oversimplifications)
F - Absent (no awareness of the complexity of the subject; grade drops to a D)
threshold: pts
0 pts
Historical Context
N/A - Historical context is not required for the creative assignments
A - Excellent (synthesizes material from lecture, the textbook, and prefaces to provide historical context for all aspects of the essay)
B - Good (provides historical context for most aspects of the essay)
C - Needs Help (provides some historical context, but some aspects of
the essay need more context)
D - Poor (little attempt to provide historical context)
F - Absent (no historical context provided; grade drops to a D)
threshold: pts
0 pts
Factual Accuracy
A - Excellent (no errors)
B - Good (generally accurate, with a few, minor errors)
C - Needs Help (contains several factual errors)
D - Poor (contains numerous factual errors)
F - Absent (contains numerous, serious factual errors; grade drops to a D)
threshold: pts
0 pts
A - Excellent (provides footnotes for all evidence presented, from all sources, whether paraphrased or directly quoted)
B - Good (provides footnotes for almost all evidence)
C - Needs Help
□ several missing footnotes
□ problems with footnote formatting
D - Poor (substantial number of missing footnotes; grade drops to a D)
F - Absent (contains no footnotes or plagiarizes by taking a substantial amount of material directly from another writer without attribution; grade drops to an F)
threshold: pts
0 pts
Syntax, Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation
A - Excellent (few to no errors)
B - Good (shows only minor problems)
C - Needs Help (contains distracting errors)
D - Poor (contains errors that make it very difficult to understand the writer’s meaning)
F - Absent (contains errors that make it virtually impossible to determine the writer’s meaning; grade drops to a D)
threshold: pts
0 pts
Meets Minimum Length Requirement
Yes (no deduction)
No (grade drops to a C)
threshold: pts
0 pts
Total Points: 0 out of 0