Film Discussions 1: The Rights of Nature
- Due Jun 22, 2024 by 11:59pm
- Points 10
- Submitting a discussion post
- Available after Jun 19, 2024 at 12am
For a full participation in this discussion, you must watch the documentary, answer the following question, and respond to two answers from your classmates. Make sure to provide thoughtful comments in your comments.
Film: The Rights of Nature: A Global Movement (2020) ( Links to an external site.
Question: What are the implications and challenges of the recognition of nature as a subject of rights? In which ways can these processes be articulated in the animal and environmental ethics debate? How are the rights of nature and intergenerational equity-linked, if at all, as doctrines in environmental law?
Post your answer before June 19, 2024, 23:59PM.
Post your responses before June 22, 2024, 23:59PM.