Reading Response 3
- Due Jul 28, 2024 by 11:59pm
- Points 10
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
Reading Response 3
Texts you may write about (choose one from each list):
Write about this fiction text from Weeks 5-6:
- Rivers Solomon, An Unkindness of Ghosts [whole book]
AND write about one of these non-fiction texts from Weeks 5-6:
- Moya Bailey and Izetta Autumn Mobley, “Work at the Intersections: A Black Feminist Disability Framework” - pdf
- Alison Kafer, “Debating Feminist Futures” Download Alison Kafer, “Debating Feminist Futures” - pdf
- Schalk and Kim Integrating Race Transforming Feminist Disability Studies.pdf Download Schalk and Kim Integrating Race Transforming Feminist Disability Studies.pdf
You will select TWO of the required readings for that week. Each Reading Response paper will engage with both of those readings. One reading will be a work of fiction, and one will be a work of non-fiction (scholarship or essay). Here is the format you must use for each paper:
- Paragraph 1 Context (1 point): Give the name of the author and title of each of the readings. Who is the author? What background do they come from? Do a bit of internet research and cite your sources (any standard bibliography format is fine).
- Paragraphs 2 & 3 Description (4 points): Summarize the main points from the 2 readings. For the novel, short story, or film you chose, describe the characters, setting, plot, etc., accurately and sufficiently to show an understanding of those elements and how they operate to create the meanings of this SF text.
- Paragraphs 4 & 5 Analysis and Interpretations (5 points): Analyze and interpret the 2 readings and relate them to each other and to disability studies. Be sure to refer to specific passages. Provide thorough and nuanced interpretations of the novel, story, or film. Relate that work of fiction to the non-fiction reading you chose.
- Your response must well informed by the critical frameworks we have learned in disability studies. Give clearly stated reasons for your interpretations and cite your sources for the DS concepts you use (cite specific course readings).
- The response must analyze key elements of the text as a work of science fiction, including its speculative settings and nonrealist conventions. How do these readings challenge assumptions about disability or offer new understandings? How do you think they are significant within the context of the topics or themes of the class, and/or in the context of other issues you know and care about? You can draw on your own knowledge and experience, but you must also engage with course materials and discussions.
Documentation of sources and academic integrity:
You must document where you found ALL the information, ideas, opinions, etc. that you borrowed and utilized in your essay. Direct quotations, paraphrases, information, interpretations, and opinions taken from another person’s work must be identified. Cite the sources of all material by means of in-text citations or footnotes (give page numbers), and provide a bibliography at the end of your paper listing all sources you consulted. Any standard documentation style is acceptable, as long as you are consistent and give all the required publication information.
All work submitted for course credit must be an original effort. Plagiarism means presenting the words or ideas of another person as if they were your own, for example by turning in someone else’s work or failing to document material you have quoted or borrowed. You are responsible for understanding all aspects of University regulations regarding academic integrity.
Reading Responses (40% total)
- You will be required to hand in Reading Responses a total of FOUR (4) times.
- Each reading response paper is worth 10 points.
- Read each assignment prior to writing to see the list of allowed readings.
- Your work will be assessed for content, format, writing mechanics/style/organization, and use of citations.
Disability in SF assignments Summer 2024.docx
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||
Paragraph 1 Context (1 point): Give the name of the author and title of each of the readings. Who is the author? What background do they come from? Do a bit of internet research and cite your sources (any standard bibliography format is fine).
aragraphs 2 & 3 Description (4 points): Summarize the main points from the 2 readings. For the novel, short story, or film you chose, describe the characters, setting, plot, etc., accurately and sufficiently to show an understanding of those elements and how they operate to create the meanings of this SF text.
Paragraphs 4 & 5 Analysis and Interpretations (5 points): Analyze and interpret the 2 readings and relate them to each other and to disability studies. Be sure to refer to specific passages. Provide thorough and nuanced interpretations of the novel, story, or film. Relate that work of fiction to the non-fiction reading you chose.
Your response must well informed by the critical frameworks we have learned in disability studies. Give clearly stated reasons for your interpretations and cite your sources for the DS concepts you use (cite specific course readings). The response must analyze key elements of the text as a work of science fiction, including its speculative settings and nonrealist conventions. How do these readings challenge assumptions about disability or offer new understandings? How do you think they are significant within the context of the topics or themes of the class, and/or in the context of other issues you know and care about? You can draw on your own knowledge and experience, but you must also engage with course materials and discussions.
Total Points:
out of 10