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Schedule of Topics & Readings

Downloadable syllabus: Disability in SF syllabus Summer 2024.docx Download Disability in SF syllabus Summer 2024.docx


Weeks 1-2 Module

M June 17 Introductions: Disability Studies & Speculative Fiction

IN-CLASS audio play: "Childfinder" by Octavia E. Butler

READ: Nisi Shawl, "Invisible Inks: On Black SF Authors and Disability" 

READ: Simi Linton, “Reassigning Meaning,” Links to an external site. Claiming Disability: Knowledge and Identity (NYU Press, 1998), pp. 8-17, Disability History Museum (link)



W June 19 No class Juneteenth Holiday


M June 24 Disability Reimagined


IN CLASS: Interview with Sami Schalk: "Race, Gender and Disability in Speculative Fiction" Links to an external site. (YouTube, 38 minutes, captioned)

READ: Sami Schalk, “Introduction”  Download Sami Schalk, “Introduction” in Bodyminds Reimagined: (Dis)ability, Race, and Gender in Black Women's Speculative Fiction

READ: Alison Kafer, “Introduction: Imagined Futures” Download Alison Kafer, “Introduction: Imagined Futures” in Feminist, Queer, Crip

READ: Elsa Sjunneson and Dominick Parisien, “Disabled People Destroy Science Fiction Manifesto,” Uncanny Magazine, Issue 24 (2018) Links to an external site.


W June 26 Cure and Care Futures

READ: Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, “Cripping the Apocalypse” Download Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, “Cripping the Apocalypse” in Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice

READ: Eli Clare, “Ideology of Cure” Download Eli Clare, “Ideology of Cure” in Brilliant Imperfection: Grappling with Cure

READ: Octavia E. Butler, “The Evening and the Morning and the Night” Download Octavia E. Butler, “The Evening and the Morning and the Night” [short story] [content includes: suicide, self-harm, body horror, sterilization]


Weeks 3-4 Module


M July 1 Parable of the Sower [student facilitation Group A]

READ: Octavia E. Butler, Parable of the Sower – Chapters 1 - 10

W July 3 Film: FIXED

No class meeting today

Watch on your own: FIXED: The Science/Fiction of Human Enhancement (1 hour, streaming UW Libraries Links to an external site., login required)


M July 8 Dreaming Disability Justice

READ: Mia Mingus, “Hollow”  Download Mia Mingus, “Hollow”  [short story] - to prepare for class today, please also skim: 10_Principles_of_DJ-2ndEd.pdf Download 10_Principles_of_DJ-2ndEd.pdf

READ: Mia Mingus, “Changing the Framework: Disability Justice,” Links to an external site. Leaving Evidence blog, February 2011 (link)

READ: Nisi Shawl, “Invisible Inks: On Black SF Authors and Disability”

READ: Nisi Shawl, “The Deep End Links to an external site.” - link

READ: Tananarive Due, “The Only Lasting Truth: The Theme of Change in the Works of Octavia E. Butler” Download Tananarive Due, “The Only Lasting Truth: The Theme of Change in the Works of Octavia E. Butler” [content includes: rape]


W July 10 Parable of the Sower [student facilitation Group B]

READ: Octavia E. Butler, Parable of the Sower – Chapter 11 to end

READ: Sami Schalk, "The Future of Bodyminds, Bodyminds of the Future," Download Sami Schalk, "The Future of Bodyminds, Bodyminds of the Future," in Bodyminds Reimagined (pdf)

READ: Jess Whatcott, "Crip Collectivity Beyond Neoliberalism in Octavia Butler’s Parable of the Sower" Download Jess Whatcott, "Crip Collectivity Beyond Neoliberalism in Octavia Butler’s Parable of the Sower" (pdf)


Weeks 5-6 Module


M July 15 Watch film during class today: Never Let Me Go (2010)


W July 17 Ableism and Racism [student facilitation Group A]

READ: Will Kanyusik, “Eugenic Nostalgia: Self-Narration and Internalized Ableism in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go” Download Will Kanyusik, “Eugenic Nostalgia: Self-Narration and Internalized Ableism in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go” (pdf)

Second half of class today:

WATCH: Patrick Cokley, "We Have Always Resisted: Black Disability Activism History" (webinar)

READ: Moya Bailey and Izetta Autumn Mobley, “Work at the Intersections: A Black Feminist Disability Framework” Download Moya Bailey and Izetta Autumn Mobley, “Work at the Intersections: A Black Feminist Disability Framework” (pdf)

READ: Corinne Duyvis, “Happy Endings and Overcoming Autism” [essay by the originator of #ownvoices] Links to an external site.


M July 22 An Unkindness of Ghosts [student facilitation Group B]

READ: Rivers Solomon, An Unkindness of Ghosts - Part 1

READ: Rivers Solomon, "Black Girl Going Mad: Mental health, race, and trauma in the city of Good Christian Bitches" Links to an external site. (link) [content warnings: suicide, trauma, racism]


W July 24 Feminist, Queer, Crip SF

IN-CLASS TV show: "San Junipero" episode of Black Mirror (Netflix)

READ: Alison Kafer, “Debating Feminist Futures” Download Alison Kafer, “Debating Feminist Futures” (pdf)


Weeks 7-9 Module

M July 29 Film: GATTACA (1997)

No class meeting today

Watch on your own: GATTACA (1 hour, 40 min., streaming UW Libraries Links to an external site., login required)


W July 31 An Unkindness of Ghosts [student facilitation Group A]

READ: Rivers Solomon, An Unkindness of Ghosts - Part 2 to end

M August 5 Watch film in class: How to Train Your Dragon (2010)


W August 7 Cripping the Cyborg [student facilitation Group B]

READ: Leigha McReynolds, “Animal and Alien Bodies as Prostheses: Reframing Disability in Avatar and How to Train Your Dragon” Download Leigha McReynolds, “Animal and Alien Bodies as Prostheses: Reframing Disability in Avatar and How to Train Your Dragon” (pdf)

READ: Alison Kafer, "The Cyborg and the Crip" Download Alison Kafer, "The Cyborg and the Crip" (pdf)

Second half of class of class today: TBD 


M August 12 Disabled People Destroy Science Fiction

IN-CLASS LISTEN: Samuel R. Delany, "Driftglass" [short story] - we will listen to a dramatic reading by Lavar Burton.

READ: Matthew Holder, "Imagining Accessibility: Theorizing Disability in Disabled People Destroy Science Fiction" Links to an external site.


W August 14