Facilitation Group A July 31st An Unkindness of Ghosts
- Due No Due Date
- Points 10
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
Facilitating Discussion about the Readings (worth 10% each)
You will be responsible for facilitation on 3 days this quarter. The instructor will assign the days. If you need to change to a different day please notify me as soon as possible. Students are welcome to meet with the instructor for any additional guidance on expectations for this assignment.
Student facilitation Group A for Wednesday, July 31, about An Unkindness of Ghosts (novel and articles)
Due date & submission of your work:
All components are due on Tuesday, July 30, 10:00pm.
- Submit your Reading Notes & Questions to this assignment. Either Word document or text is fine.
Write your reading notes and questions about the novel and either ONE of these non-fiction texts:
- Rivers Solomon, An Unkindness of Ghosts - Part 2 - end
- Moya Bailey and Izetta Autumn Mobley, “Work at the Intersections: A Black Feminist Disability Framework” (pdf)
- Alison Kafer, “Debating Feminist Futures” (pdf)
Annotate either ONE of these files in the Weeks 5-6 Module:
- Moya Bailey and Izetta Autumn Mobley, “Work at the Intersections: A Black Feminist Disability Framework”
- Alison Kafer, “Debating Feminist Futures”
Due date: All components are due the evening before the class you facilitate, by 10:00pm and sooner if possible.
Facilitation of Discussion about the readings & films (30% total)
Students are welcome to meet with the instructor for any additional guidance on expectations for this assignment.
Due date: All components are due the evening of the class you facilitate, by 10:00pm or earlier if possible.
You will be responsible for facilitation on 3 days this quarter. The instructor will assign the days. This is an individual (not group) assignment.
Disability in SF assignments Summer 2024.docx Download Disability in SF assignments Summer 2024.docx
Each student will be assigned THREE (3) class days to help facilitate the discussion of the readings. Complete all these components:
- Reading Summary & Notes (4 points):
- For each FICTION text that day, you will prepare a brief written summary of the key points in the novel or the film. Provide information about who the author/s of the text/s are. Discuss the characters, main plot points, key themes, areas of science/technology and society that are addressed, and connections to disability studies and other critical lenses. Make note of how this novel/film might be related to other readings and films we have covered in this class.
- For each NON-FICTION text that was assigned along with the novel or film, you will prepare about 2 single-spaced pages of reading notes that summarize the main points and evidence in the text. Use bullet-point format for the reading notes. The instructor will post these summaries and notes for the whole class to read.
NOTE: During class, the instructor will call on individuals who are facilitating to assist with introducing the texts. No PowerPoint or other formal presentation is required or expected.
- Prepare at total of three (3) discussion questions for the class activity that day. These should be open-ended questions that will generate class discussion. At least one of your questions should draw out connecting themes between texts (synthesis question). Do not submit more than 3 questions total. (2 points)
- Be prepared to engage with classmates’ questions & ideas. You will do this synchronously during class if possible, or asynchronously (see below). Each student must be prepared to engage with classmates’ replies to the questions and with the ideas that get expressed and developed during the class discussion. Be ready to pose follow-up questions and comments. (2 points)
- Asynchronous Facilitation, you will also do both of these to engage with peers: 1. Write summary paragraphs for each of the readings and post those in the Class Activity board by 10pm the day before class. 2. Write two or three additional responses to peers in the Class Activity board by Sunday after class (this is in addition to doing the asynch participation).
- Write annotations on ONE assigned reading for the day – you will find the file to annotate in that week’s Module. (2 points)
- Write at least FOUR (4) comments/notes in which you respond to a particular claim or sentence or small section of the texts you've been assigned to annotate. Keep your annotations brief so that everyone else can read them in a short amount of time. Just write a short sentence or two and/or a question. Some of your annotations may be relies to peer annotations.
- Finish your annotations by 10pm the evening before you facilitate.
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||
Reading Notes
Discussion Questions
Engage in Discussion
Total Points:
out of 10