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Learning Design at Continuum
UW Continuum College designs and delivers exemplary student-centered learning experiences. We design and develop courses that are grounded in research-based pedagogies, that make the most of the affordances of learning management systems and technologies, and we work with course developers and instructors so they can deliver the best instructional content that engages students with wide lived experiences. We showcase our work along the core domains of instruction.
We look forward to partnering with you in building your program or course so that it reflects your vision and goals.
Supporting the Core Domains of Instruction
Communicating Outcomes
Clear statements that identify what students will be able to demonstrate, produce, or represent as a result of what and how they have learned in a course or program.
Delivering Content
Engaging presentation and clear ordering of learning content into organized layouts.
Building Skills
Demonstration and application opportunities for students to show what they know and can do after learning and practice.
Providing Feedback
Effective feedback and instructor presence to lead students to progressive improvement in skills and knowledge.
Research-informed Design Practice
Course Quality
How our learning design work is grounded in research and policy, reflecting best practices in multiple areas.
Image attributions
Credit: UW Visual Assets Collection, UW January 2017 Campus Shots, 20170118_January Campus_0022.jpg Links to an external site., The HUB exterior shots