Reflection Post
- Due Dec 11, 2024 by 11:59pm
- Points 10
- Submitting a file upload
Please write a reflection of about a page (250 words) telling me how this project went for you. I am interested in your discoveries and obstacles at every stage. Some questions to address in your reflection--you don't need to respond to all of them!
1. Why did you choose the topic and the medium that you selected? What makes them relevant?
2. What went well for you in your work on your entry, and what was more difficult? Were any moments this quarter when the texts seemed opaque to you? Did you have any epiphanies or smaller discoveries while reading/writing/working on your entry?
3. What is a moment -- an idea, a paragraph, a choice of an image -- in this project that you are proud of, and why?
4. Where can you show me development as a writer and/or a creative thinker? For example, is there a place in this short writing where you see yourself growing, perhaps in your close reading, perhaps in your paragraph construction? or complexity of argument?
5. Which part or aspect of this Manifold project was the most challenging for you, and why?
6. If you had the time to revise your Manifold entry, what would be your first priority, and why?
7. In terms of our guidelines, tell me where you think you most excelled and how?