Final Project
- Due Dec 11, 2024 by 11:59pm
- Points 100
- Submitting a website url or a file upload
Creative Final Project:
Each student will produce an entry for a class project on cultural encounters in the Middle Ages using the digital text platform Manifold. You can either expand on your short research paper or choose a new topic (see the suggested topics and materials page and Long Live Dante--Autumn 2023, and for project examples). These projects are creative but rooted in your background knowledge and critical analysis of topics and sources addressed in the class.
Remember to select a thumbnail for your project, which will appear next to your project title, and add your name or a pseudonym (see Elliott's project for reference), and to share pictures of your creative project at different stages of completion, documenting each image with a short label.
Your project can be
- in written form
- a poem (examples: DECAMERON FINAL PROJECT, Final Project and A Modern Manuscript )
- a short story (examples: and Final Project)
- a script
- an edition--requires at least two scholarly sources (examples: TheBookofMargeryKempe_Chp15 and Inferno Canto 34, where the annotations are signified by a green line under the text)
- an artistic piece
- drawing (example: Final Project-Boccaccio, Final Project, Dante Creative Project)
- painting (example: Creative Final Project)
- photographic collage (examples: Final, Final Project , danteprez.pdf
- song (example: Creative Project_Song Explanation)
- interpretative dance (example: Final Project - Dante Dance.mp4)
- podcast (example:
- short film
- architectural design (example: Creative Project)
You will also write and submit a short explanation essay (250-500 words) explaining your project plan and, if applicable, a timeline and share pictures of your project at different stages of completion, documenting each image with a short label.
See also these useful Library research guides:
Research Steps Diagram and Handout (identifying your topic idea and evaluating resources).
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||||||
Presentation of project
Does the introduction clearly present the topic of your project? Does it identity the key topics addressed? Does it suggest the perspective that it will develop? The argument that the project proposes? or the core issues that is addresses?
Argument/Point of View
Does the project develop a coherent argument or present a clear perspective on the material(s)? Does the the entry demonstrate that the author understands and has applied concepts learned in the course? Concepts need to be integrated into the author's own insights. The author should provide concluding remarks that show analysis and synthesis of ideas. In the case of a creative/digital project, is the perspective/theme/topic well-defined and clear? Does the framing of the text, by an introduction and annotations, make sense and offer the reader a coherent view on the text?
Organization and coherence
Is the project well organized and coherent? Is the topic focused narrowly enough for the scope of this assignment? Does a thesis statement provide direction for the assignment, either by statement of a position or hypothesis? Does the author's writing tie together information from all sources and demonstrate an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources? If an online/ WordPress site, do the pages fit together well? Do they reflect a logic, which is easy for the viewer to understand? If an edition, do the annotations and introduction help to explain the text?
Is the project well-support by evidence? Are the key points of the argument supported by examples drawn from the text, and cited in the paper? Are the presentations of themes and topics in the Manifold site supported by research? Are citations made and properly referenced? And is the bibliography sufficient for the project? You are required to use at least 2 current sources. Sources can include both general background sources and specialized sources. Special-interest sources and popular literature are acknowledged as such if they are cited. All web sites utilized are authoritative.
Formatting in papers and Manifold/Layout in WordPress
If a paper, does it employ proper formatting? Do the citations and bibliography follow a correct style (ideally MLA)? Does the paper fall within property length guidelines? If WordPress, is the homepage well set up with images and presentation of the topic? Are the pages corrected set up? Is there a menu and does it bring the site together? If Manifold, were the formatting guidelines followed correctly? Is there a table of contents? Is the formatting correct?
Total Points:
out of 100