Lab Week 10
- Due Mar 12 by 11:59pm
- Points 0.1
Come to lab and work with your group on implementing your project's final draft and integrating your work across the team. By the end of lab you should have integrated the Firebase database in some way, and begun adding additional interactivity. All team members should have integrated their work (everyone has pulled and merged!). Check in with your TA by the end of lab to show them your progress to earn full credit for this lab work. If you have not made any progress on your project implementation, you will not be able to receive credit for implementing your work by this check-in.
The point is to make sure you're making steady progress on your project and are on the right track!
There is nothing to submit for this assignment; check in with your TA and demonstrate you have completed this task: show the work each individual has completed and that the code is fully merged across team members.
Note that only students who attend and participate in integrating their work will receive credit for this lab work.