Lab Week 6
- Due Feb 12 by 11:59pm
- Points 0.1
- Submitting a text entry box
Come to lab and work with your group on setting up draft 2 of your project. By the end of lab you should have created the Vite scaffolding for your project (in the root directory), cleaned up the starter code, and implemented an initial App component with some content. Additionally you have made sure everyone has the updated code (has pushed and pulled).
Check in with your TA by the end of lab to demonstrate you have completed this task: show that you have set up your React app environment and that each team member has pulled the updated code. Additionally, please submit a link to your repo's latest commit showing that you've got it set up (and everyone has pulled those changes!)
Note that only students who attend and participate in setting up the project scaffolding will receive credit for this lab work.