HEDP (Etidronic acid) | Uses, Properties, Global market

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Etidronic acid, or hydroxyethyl di phosphonic acid, also known as HEDP Links to an external site., is an organophosphate corrosion inhibitor produced by the reaction between acetic acid and phosphorus trichloride. Its physical properties can be mentioned in its appearance and color. It is present in solid and liquid form and in yellow to colorless.

One of the most important applications of this material in industries related to water and wastewater treatment. This material is due to its anti-scaling and chelating properties by combining with metal ions such as calcium and iron to prevent groundwater contamination with these metals. It is good to know that this product was first produced in 1966 and has been widely used in the medical industry since 1977.

Physical and Chemical Properties of Etidronic acid:

HEDP is an organic substance in the phosphonic acid family. From this material, we can obtain stable compounds with iron, copper, zinc, and other metal ions, which will easily eliminate the surface corrosion of metals. Under room conditions, this compound can maintain its anti-corrosion properties up to 250 ° C.

Etidronic acid also has high chemical stability in acidic environments and will not decompose at room temperature. The most important physical and chemical properties of this compound can be summarized in the following table:

HEDP properties


Applications and Uses of Etidronate:

HEDP is used for the production of detergents, water treatment, medical applications, cosmetics, and…

In Water treatment:

This compound is a chelating agent and can be added to bonds to partially prevent the effects of substances such as calcium, iron, or other metals, which may cause water pollution.

In Medical Industry:

Etidronic acid Links to an external site. was known identified under the brand name Didronel as a bisphosphonate used to strengthen bones, treat osteoporosis and treat Paget's disease. Bisphosphonates primarily inhibit bone resorption by reducing the activity of osteoclasts, thus making bones stronger in the long run. Etidronate, unlike other bisphosphonates, also prevents the bone from thickening.


Due to its chemical nature, HEDP traps heavy metal ions used in the preparation of cosmetics. By trapping metal ions, preservatives keep oxidized compounds in a stable state, thus increasing the durability of cosmetic products.

etidronic acid in cosmetics


Etidronate can act as a corrosion inhibitor and form a stable complex with metal ions such as iron, copper, and zinc, causing them to chelate. HEDP removes and reduces metal ions in water well and easily dissolves oxides on metal surfaces. One of the advantages of this compound as a corrosion inhibitor is that it still retains its properties up to a temperature of about 250 ° C and protects metal surfaces against corrosion.

In Industry:

HEDP is used as anti-fouling and anti-corrosion in cooling water circulation systems, oil fields, and low-pressure boilers in fields such as electricity, chemical industry, metallurgy, fertilizer, etc. Etidronic acid is used in the textile industry as a detergent. In the dyeing industry, HEDP is used as a peroxide stabilizer and dye stabilizer. In non-cyanide plating, etidronate is used as a chelating agent. Applicable doses of HEDP include 1-10 mg / L as an antiseptic, 10-50 mg / L as an anti-corrosion agent, and 1000- 2000 mg / L as a detergent. Etidronate is usually used in combination with poly carboxylic acid. Due to its high purity, it can be used as a cleaning agent in electronic fields and as an additive in chemicals.

Global HEDP Market:

The rapid growth of urbanization, increasing consumer income, and changing people's consumption patterns can be a factor in increasing the purchase and sale of etidronate. Adverse effects of this substance such as weakening of the body, skin problems, and bone pain, muscles, and joints have also played a role in weakening its market.

Based on geographical location, the global market for this substance is divided into seven major regions of North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia, and Oceania, except Japan and the Middle East, and Africa. Among the above regions, North America has a large share of this global market due to its relatively high share in the region and the global pharmaceutical industry. The Asia Pacific, except the Japan region, accounts for a significant share of the global market volume due to the significant growth of the pharmaceutical industry in the region.

Safety information of Etidronic acid:

Etidronic acid is an organic phosphoric acid that, if left on the skin and not thoroughly washed, the remaining chemicals may have a corrosive effect on the skin. When HEDP is inhaled, it can burn the skin and mucous membranes. Exposure to the eye may cause corneal burns.



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