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Hello fellow human beings, it is with the greatest regret that I am writing and addressing this message, in the form of an English 131 Final Portfolio, to you.

While nature has bowed down to mankind’s strict and rugged forces, I would like to have my writing demonstrate nature’s true omnipotence and disdain for the parasitic human race. One key reason for me addressing this message (portfolio) to you is to give nature a human voice, which allows you human readers to actually bother to listen to it. You will hopefully gain insight and hear the pleads of the natural world which we are rapidly and savagely destroying. 

Carefully handpicking pieces from my entire compendium, I have selected works that not only bring light to my personal viewpoints on the human race’s role in nature, but works that have also demonstrated my proficiency in fulfilling all four outcomes for expository writing program courses in the University of Washington. Through this English 131 class, which draws an emphasis on the importance of our natural world, I have written a variety of pieces that develop my perspective on nature as a student and writer in the 21st century.

I have chosen Short Assignment Two, Short Assignment Four, and Major Assignment One for the three pieces I have revised, all of which offer my perspective of human involvement with nature. I believe that SA2 and MA1 fulfill outcomes 1, 3, and 4 because they cater for a wide audience with academic prose, include inquiry-driven arguments of mankind’s role in nature, and reflect my compositions as a collaborative process because of my myriad of drafts and previous brainstorming. MA4 fulfills outcome 2, because I have drawn from a variety of sources in order to develop my perspective. One thing to note, though, is that my outlook on human nature has always been fairly negative, but many of the critiques that I write are hyperboles in order to pressure readers into mental contemplation and change.

I will also include pictures (that I took) of the most beautiful natural destinations I have been to, with the location stated. Please enjoy!

1. Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii, USA

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Grace Jang
Jun 4, 2024 at 8:14pm

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