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Keyword selection is an effective factor in displaying ads on Google

If you want to make your business more successful and visible with Google ads, you need the right strategy. In today's world, competitors from all over the world are trying to reach potential customers. There are several different ways to launch a successful advertising campaign, excellent pay-per-click (Zune), there are such: communication advertising services, photos and attractive "destination page", but the first and perhaps the most important step to increase sales using Google, will be choosing the right keywords for advertising on Google.

Knowing how to choose the best keyword for your ad campaigns on Google and how to correctly target keywords for your ads in Google ads Or as some say  (تبلیغات گوگل) will help you connect with content and offers-attract more targeted customers.

A well-chosen keyword ensures that your pay-per-click ads are seen by people looking for products and services similar to your business in Google search engine. So in this article we will be informed by the process of choosing a keyword to increase sales using Google ads.

Determine what makes the right word

Keywords should be very specific and relevant to the products and services of your business. This is because when someone enters your keywords into Google, they are more likely to look for your business services. As a result, many people who click on your ad are willing to buy from you.

Think like your customers

Put yourself in the shoes of your customers. Think about the words and keywords that are entered into Google, if "someone is looking for a reliable product or service for your business" write down the main categories of your business, and then write relevant terms or keywords in any of these categories. Finally, choose the keywords your customers use to describe your services.

Choosing specific keywords to attract target customers

If you want to target customers who may be interested in a particular product, choose more specific keywords that are directly relevant to your topic. Using more specific keywords means that only phrases that are relevant to your business will be displayed in your ad. But keep in mind that if your keywords are too specific, you may not be able to reach a large number of people.

Choose more general keywords to reach a greater audience

If you prefer to reach more customers and audiences, choose more generic keywords for your Google ads. Keep in mind that it will be difficult for you to reach potential customers when choosing too many keywords. Because your ad can also be shown for search queries that are relatively unrelated to your business. On the other hand, more generic keywords also increase competition between competitors.

Target when choosing a keyword

On the other hand, despite the advantages of choosing a popular keyword, we must say that the use of very popular keywords can also become a damaging factor. This is because if completely unrelated to your advertising, the people you attract will not be interested in your product or service, so your costs will increase, and this may negatively affect your business. By choosing the right keyword and managing Google ads, you can increase the number of business words in Google by 100 times.

One-word keywords are often very general while longer phrases are usually more targeted. "Organic vegetable delivery in boxes", for example, is a special keyword that attracts exactly customers who want to use organic vegetable delivery services. However, the keyword vegetable for this business creates problems.

Divide similar keywords into ad groups

To display ads that are more relevant to potential customers, group keywords and advertise based on products, services, or other categories to different advertising groups. Although the keyword matches Google Search, Google will choose the right keywords for you.

Your customers may use different terms for your product or service so always choose your keyword types that include slang synonyms (e.g. stores). Product names and serial numbers are alternative spellings, singular and plural. You can even list common spelling mistakes.

More details: What is Google advertising and what is its use?

Language and location when choosing keywords

You can change language and location settings to ensure that your ads are shown to the right people and customers. Always make sure your location reflects your location. Depending on where your customers are located, you can choose countries, regions, cities, or even provinces. Targeting custom keywords can be very accurate. This means that your ad will only be shown to people in the area that you have selected yourself. For example, all people are within a radius of 50 km from your business. This is especially true for shops, local shops or restaurants.

Learn about keyword selection options

Google ads suggest different ways for people who want to place ads for their keywords. The method you use when entering a keyword indicates which mapping parameters you need.

Extended compliance: this is the default Google Play configuration for all keywords. Your ads can be activated when someone searches for words related to your keyword. For example, - if your keywords are garden design and care-if someone writes the phrase "lawn care", your ad will be displayed

Extensive adaptation correction: this type of game is rough, but a little more focused. You can select one or more words by putting a plus sign before each word. Your ad will only be displayed for search queries that use these words or variations on their side (e.g. spelling or plural errors).

Phrase matching: this type of matching is more purposeful. In this case, your AA is displayed only when someone writes a phrase, when each of your keywords is in the phrase. For example, for keyword garden design and maintenance, if someone type the term urban garden design and maintenance, your ad will be enabled

Exact match: this type of match means that search queries must exactly match your keyword

Advertising on Google using adstitu services

One of the best and most convenient advertising methods to attract more audiences to expand sales and improve service quality is to use Google ads. Hiring adstitu as Google's official partners with Google's most affordable advertising services provides the best platform for consulting and choosing the right keyword to sell you more with Google AR. Hence the group's partners in the adstitu support team ( ) wait for customer calls on weekdays from weekdays and daylight hours from today.





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